Alternate Characters
Press Select after highlighting a fighter on the character
selection screen.
Camera Options
Select a control type (such as A2) that does not use any of the
shoulder buttons. A camera option labeled "Your Self" will now be
available. Return to the control type selection and choose A5-G5. L1,
L2, R1, and R2 will now control the camera angles during game play.
Pause the game. Press X + Triangle + Circle + Square + Select.
The options menu will disappear, but the camera angles may still be
controlled. Press X + Triangle + Circle + Square + Select again. The
power bars and scores will disappear. Press L1, L2, R1, or R2 to
scroll and zoom.
Set both controller types to "Camera" and remove the power bars
using the previous code. While the game remains paused, hold L2 on
controller two until the floor disappears. Then, use controller one to
resume game play.
Press Select on controller two to advance frame by frame. Set the
controller two type to "Camera" to allow it to change camera angles,
while using controller one to zoom.
Controller two can be used to set the camera angle to view the
fight from below ground level. The floor will be invisible. This
particular camera angle can only be set while the game is paused.
Press Start to continue playing using this unique view.
Press X + Triangle + Circle + Square + Select to re-display the
options menu; or press Start to play without the energy gauges and
Configure Controls Under Any Difficulty
Enter the instant secret move code and wait for demonstration
mode to start. Press Start to display the title screen. As the words
appear, press Left, Right, Left, Right, Left + Square (weak slash) on
controller two. The word "fantastic" will be spoken and the screen
text will turn yellow to confirm correct code entry. The control
configuration may now be changed on any difficulty level.
Instant Desperation Moves
Choose a controller configuration (such as A4) that sets all four
buttons as special attacks. Whenever your character's energy gauge is
flashing, hitting all four top buttons together will execute the
character's desperation move.
Instant Secret Moves
Entering the codes to play as Gaia and Sho. Wait through the
demonstration mode until the title screen appears. As the words
appear, press Down/Left + Weak Kick on controller one. The word
"fantastic" will be spoken and the screen text will turn white. To
execute the secret moves, change the control type to use L1, L2, R1,
and R2 as special buttons (A3 and A4). Note that this only can be done
on the easy or very easy difficulty levels. Press L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 +
Select during a fight to unleash the character's secret moves.
Play as Gaia
Press Down, Down/Left, Left, Square (weak slash) at the title
screen, as the words slide from the sides onto the screen. The word
"fight" will be spoken to confirm correct code entry. From the
character select screen, hold Up on Eiji and press any attack button.
Gaia may now be played.
Play as Sho
Enter the Gaia code, and allow the game to go into demonstration
mode. Press Start on controller two to return to the title screen. As
the words appear, press Left, Right, Left, Right, Left + Square (weak
slash) on controller two. The word "fight" will be spoken and the
screen text will turn blue to confirm correct code entry. From the
character select screen, push Down + Square on Kayin.
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