

Cheat codes:
     Highlight  the  Memory  Card  option at the main menu, then press
Left or Right to show the Codes option. Then press X.

All Freestyle tracks         trixxy 
All Exhibition tracks        vouyeur 
All Racers                   grinds 
All Aliens                   astromen 
Play as Lugnut               lugnut 
Play as Bink                 bink 
Play as Dominique            dominique 
Play as Nyub                 nyub 
Play as TP                   tp 
Play as Geep                 geep 
Play as Red Car              redcar 
Play as White Car            whitecar 
Play as Blue Car             bluecar 
Play as Black Car            blackline 

Hidden Course:
     Beat Pro Circut with anything to unlock the hidden course "Hunted
Mansion". {Only works on Free Style.)

Hidden Freestyle Track:
     Beat  the  game  (all three circuits) with one of the monsters to
gain access to the "Haunted House" fresstyle track.

UltraSpank Video:
     To  check out the ULTRASPANK video go down to options in the main
menu and press RIGHT, then press X

     On  the  track  The  Metro  there is a shortcut. On your left the
second  exit  sign  on the platform. Go all the way till the end, then
jump straight, and you'll be on the shortcut.

Secret Passage on Aztec Island 1 & 2:
     On the track aztec island(1 or 2) at the end of the second tunnel
you  will see a big billabong sign. Just to the left of that youll see
a small window. Jump into it and there you are.

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