

There are 11 Bronze Trophies, 2 Silver Trophies, and 1 Gold Trophy.
Eating is cheating (Bronze)
Don't trigger any nausea during the Slightly acid level.
Foundry: absorbed (Bronze)
Reach the end of the Foundry chapter.
Gold rush (Gold)
Earn 48 gold medals.
Green peace (Silver)
Push the bulb inside the droseras making sure not to drop any particles.
Human body: absorbed (Bronze)
Reach the end of the Human body chapter.
Laboratory: absorbed (Bronze)
Reach the end of the Laboratory chapter.
Nuclear power plant: absorbed (Silver)
Reach the end of the Nuclear power plant chapter.
Nursery: absorbed (Bronze)
Reach the end of the Nursery chapter.
Rocket: absorbed (Bronze)
Reach the end of the Rocket chapter.
Sewers: absorbed (Bronze)
Reach the end of the Sewers chapter.
Souvenir (Bronze)
Keep your glass ball intact in the Tahiti level.
The price to pay (Bronze)
Finish a level after at least 10 nitroglycerine explosions.
Waiter (Bronze)
Keep all your liquid in the tank from the 2011 vintage level.
Watercourse: absorbed (Bronze)
Reach the end of the Watercourse chapter.

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