
Ninja Gaiden Sigma Plus

Additional Difficulties
Master Ninja
Clear the game on Very Hard
Ninja Dog
Die 3 times while playing on Normal
Very Hard
Clear the game on Hard
Unlockable Costumes
Biker (Rachel)
Clear the game on Hard
Doppelganger (Ryu)
Clear the game on Hard
Formal Attire (Rachel)
Clear the game on Normal
Legendary Ninja (Ryu)
Clear the game on Normal
The Grip of Murder (Ryu)
Clear the game on Very Hard difficulty setting.
Cleared 2 Trials (Bronze)
Clear all Ninja Tutorials and Path to the Ultimate Ninja.
Cleared The Way of the Ninja (Bronze)
Completed Chapter 1.
Dabilahro Master (Bronze)
Defeat 1000 enemies with the Dabilahro.
Dragon Sword Master (Bronze)
Defeat 1000 enemies with the Dragon Sword.
Dual Kitana Master (Bronze)
Defeat 1000 enemies with the Dual Kitana.
Feat of Ultimate Destruction (Bronze)
Use the strongest Ultimate Technique on 100 enemies.
Fire Wheels Master (Bronze)
Use Fire Wheels successfully 100 times.
Guillotine Throw Master (Bronze)
Use the Guillotine Throw on 100 enemies.
Ice Storm Master (Bronze)
Use Ice Storm successfully 100 times.
Inazuma Master (Bronze)
Use Inazuma successfully 100 times.
Inferno Master (Bronze)
Use Inferno successfully 100 times.
Izuna Drop Master (Bronze)
Use the Izuna Dro on 100 enemies.
Kitetsu Master (Bronze)
Defeat 1000 enemies with the Kitetsu.
Lunar Staff Master (Bronze)
Defeat 1000 enemies with the Lunar Staff.
Projectile Weapons (Bronze)
Defeat 100 enemies with projectile weapons.
True Ultimate Ninja (Platinum)
Collect all trophies.
Vigoorian Flail Master (Bronze)
Defeat 1000 enemies with the Vigoorian Flail.
War Hammer Master (Bronze)
Defeat 1000 enemies with the War Hammer (Hayabusa).
Wooden Sword/Unlabored Flawlessness Master (Bronze)
Defeat 1000 enemies with the Wooden Sword/Unlabored Flawlessness.

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