
Guilty Gear XX Accent Core Plus R

There are 11 Bronze Trophies, 2 Silver Trophies, and 1 Gold Trophy.
Accident core! (Silver)
Even with a huge difference in health, you came from behind and won.
And to the introduction (Gold)
[Story] Saw all endings.
Arcade complete! (Bronze)
[Arcade] Complete with any character (any difficulty)
Chikuwa and Dumbbell (Bronze)
You threw a chikuwa and dumbbell at your opponent.
Close Encounters of the 3rd Kind (Bronze)
You made contact with an alien.
Hello World! (Bronze)
Game started.
Here Comes Daredevil (Bronze)
[Survival] First intrusion occurred.
Our story has yet to come (Bronze)
[Story] Saw one ending.
Play through and you will not be let down (Bronze)
[Training] Total time spent training has exceeded 5 hours.
Saturday night fever (Bronze)
[M.O.M] Activated the "fever" for the first time.
That's some skill you have (Silver)
[Mission] Completed 5 mission with any character.
There is no song (Bronze)
You scored your first instant kill.
Time Traveler (Bronze)
[Survival] Selected Time Traveling skill 3 times in a row.
Travel the entire world on foot (Bronze)
You've fought on all stages.

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