
Virtua Tennis 3

Get a Wristband
     Once  you  win  a tournament your coach will congratulate you for
your win in one of your mails:

Unlockable              How to Unlock
Wristband               Win a tournament in world tour.

Get a Tennis Racket
     In  world  tour when you hit 10 MAX serves the SPT Administration
will  congratulate  you on your serves through your mailbox. They will
say they sent you a racket.

Unlockable              How to Unlock
Racket                  Hit 10 MAX serves

Normal Class
     In  the  Tennis  academy in world tour, if you get 10 medals they
will  promote  you  from  Beginner  Class to Normal Class. You will be
informed by the SPT Administration through a mail.

Unlockable              How to Unlock
Normal Class            Get 10 medals in Beginner Class

Get New Shoes
     After  turning  pro  and running a total of 5km on the court your
coach  will send you mail. The mail will be from Coach saying that you
must  have  worn  out  your  shoes, so he sends you new gear. The gear
happens to be shoes.

Unlockable              How to Unlock
New Shoes               Turn pro and run 5km in world tour.

Play against King
     Beat  tournament  mode at least once. Then, start tournament mode
again and earn at least $7,000,000. Then you should face King in stage

Unlockable              How to Unlock
Play against King       Beat tournament mode at least once, 
                        then start tournament mode again and earn 
                        at least $7,000,000 to face him in stage 6.

Tennis Racket
     This  is  the  second  way  to get a racket. Get 10 medals in the
tennis academy and you will receive a racket.

Unlockable              How to Unlock
Racket                  Get 10 medals in Beginner Class

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