
Tomb Raider: Anniversary

     Complete the following.

Unlockable:                      How to Unlock:

All Weapons                      Complete all 4 Greece Time Trials

Golden Shotgun                   Complete all 3 Lost Island Time Trials

Infinite 50 Caliber Pistol Ammo  Complete all 4 Peru Time Trials

Infinate Breath                  Complete the game on Easy

Infinite Mini SMG Ammo           Complete all 3 Egyption Time Trials

Show Enemy Health                Complete all 4 Peru Time Trials

Silver Mini SMGs                 Complete all 3 Lost Island Time Trials

Sunglasses                       Complete the game on Easy

Textureless Mode                 Complete the game on Easy

Unlockable Costumes
     Complete the following.

Unlockable:                      How to Unlock:

Classic                          Get the Relic from the Lost Valley

Camouflage                       Get the Relic from 
                                 the Temple Of Khamoon.

Catsuit                          Get the Relic 
                                 from the Sanctuary Of The Scion

Croft Manor Sport                Get the Athenian Owl Relic 
                                 from Midas's Palace

Doppelganger                     Get the Relic from Natla's Mines

Golden                           Get the Griffin-Head Relic 
                                 from Midas's Palace

Legend                           Get the Relic from the Mountain Caves

Scorched Natla                   Get all Relics

Swimsuit from Tomb Raider 2      Get the Relic from the Great Pyramid

Unlockable Artwork
     Complete the following.

Unlockable:                      How to Unlock:

Atlantean Creatures              Complete the Game

Box Art                          Collect 67% of the Artifacts in Peru

Doppelganger                     Collect 67% of the Artifacts 
                                 in Lost City

Egypt                            Collect 100% of the Artifacts in Egypt

Game Gallery                     Collect 33% of the Artifacts in Greece

Greece                           Collect 100% of the Artifacts 
                                 in Greece

Items And Artifacts              Complete the game with 25% of 
                                 the Relics.

Kid                              Collect 33% of the Artifacts in Egypt

Kold                             Collect 67% of the Artifacts in Egypt

Lost City                        Collect 33% of the Artifacts 
                                 in Lost City

Natla                            Collect 100% of the Artifacts 
                                 in Lost City

Origins of Lara                  Collect 33% of the Artifacts in Peru

Other Characters                 Complete the game with 50% of 
                                 the Artifacts.

Peru                             Collect 100% of the Artifacts in Peru

Pierre                           Collect 67% of the Artifacts in Greece

Promotional Images               Collect 50% of the Artifacts 
                                 in Croft Manor

TR:1 vs. TR:A Egypt              Collect 100% of the Relics in Egypt

TR:1 vs. TR:A Greece             Collect 100% of the Relics in Greece

TR:1 vs. TR:A Lost City          Collect 100% of the Relics 
                                 in Lost City

TR:1 vs. TR:A Peru               Collect 100% of the Relics in Peru

Unlockable Biographies
     Collect a certain amount of artifacts to unlock.

Unlockable:                      How to Unlock:

Doppelganger                     36 Artifacts
Kid                              14 Artifacts
Kold                             18 Artifacts
Lara Croft                       5 Artifacts
Larson                           9 Artifacts
Natla                            41 Artifacts
Pierre                           23 Artifacts
Richard Croft                    32 Artifacts
Winston                          27 Artifacts

Unlockable Level

Unlockable:                      How to Unlock:
Styles Unit Level                100% completion and have all 
                                 artifacts and relics in game

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