Extra Difficulty Modes
These new difficulty modes will be available on a new game file
after completing the necessary tasks.
Galaxy Mode: Defeat 2,000 monsters.
Universe Mode: Defeat 2,000 monsters.
Glitches: No Encounters in Dungeons
Like the other Star Ocean for PSP, if you open the disc tray
while in a dungeon, you will not face any battles. Just remember to
close the disc tray everytime you change screens (causing it to reload
data), or before boss fights.
Unlocking the Cave of Trials
There is a secret dungeon in the game called the "Cave Of
Trials". To unlock it, you must use the save point right before
fighting Gabriel. Your save icon should turn blue. Then, return to the
arena in Fun City, and talk to the old man in the stands in the north
side of the arena. He says he can recover your memories; accept, and
you'll return to Arlia on Expel. Leave Arlia and you'll have your
Psynard; the Cave Of Trials is located at the lone dot on the desert
island, southwest on the world map.
Voice Player
Beat the game once on any difficulty, and you unlock the Voice
Player. Beat the game with additional characters in your party to
unlock their respective voices.
Removing Gabriel's Limiter
First off, you must witness the Private Action in Kurik where a
woman named Philia is warning the citizens to evacuate the city. Next,
you must reach the final save point in Phynal. After that, you must
leave Phynal and view a Private Action in Centropolis. You'll find
Philia again in the lobby of the main building. After you talk to her,
Gabriel's limiter will be removed and he will be much more powerful
than his original form. It is recommended that you go through the Maze
of Tribulations and get your levels very high (120+ at the very least)
before attempting to fight him.
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