Every fighting style has at least one weapon that can be unlocked (besides joke weapons). In order to unlock a weapon, you must complete either Trial of Attack or Trial of Defense and you will unlock a weapon for the style you are using. Additionally, if you complete The Gauntlet, you will unlock the "Broken Destiny" weapon for Siegfried.
"Broken Destiny" weapon
Clear The Gauntlet
Additional weapon
Clear either Trial of Attack or Trial of Defense using the corresponding fighting style
Unlockable Armor
Could be unlocked by getting honors, beating the gauntlet, getting a certain number of titles, and getting to a certain stage in trials.
Get 50 titles
Deer Head
Beat "The Gauntlet"
Eye Patch
Get 50 titles
Beat "The Gauntlet"
Japanese Eye Patch (female)
Get 50 titles
Kittymeow Head
Beat "The Gauntlet"
Get 50 titles
Beat "The Gauntlet"
Prayer Beads
Get 50 titles
Tengu Mask
Get 50 titles
Tiger Lily Armor
Get 50 titles
Beat "The Gauntlet"
Unlockable Honors
To unlock honors which can be seen in RECORDS.
Black Sword Valor
Execute a combination of 30 Side Dash Counters and Back Dash Counters
Chosen Child
Execute a Just Impact
Clear all missions up to Chapter 3 in THE GAUNTLET
Elation of Chance
Execute a Throw Escape
End of Tests
View Chapter 34 "Finale" in THE GAUNTLET
Expert Dancer
Execute a 7+ combo
Fearful Hero
Clear TRIAL OF DEFENSE with more than 2,400,000 points
Fierce Blade
Execute 5 Side Dash Counters and Back Dash Counters in a single match
First Gate
Hidden Fierceness
Execute a Throw
Innocent Artist
Create a character with no equipment
Iron Soldier
Hit the opponent into the wall 5 times
Loser's Lament
Win with a Ring Out
Painted Illusion
Take a photo using frame decorations and backgrounds for thumbnail photographs in CREATION
Passionate Artist
Take 5 photos during 1 sessions in CREATION's thumbnail photograph
Ranging Dash
Clear TRIAL OF ATTACK with more than 1,600,000 points
Waking Art
Create your first original character in CREATION
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Знаете интересные коды на SoulCalibur: Broken Destiny? Вам есть чем поделиться с другими геймерами?
Игре можно выставить твёрдую троечку, но не более. SoulCalibur: Broken Destiny оригинальна в двух планах: платформа и ведение боя. Далее идёт откровенное копирование. Выбивание за ринг было в Mortal Kombat.
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