Very Hard Modes
Unlocking Very Hard Mode for the various Training modules and
Mini-games under Challenge.
Very Hard Mode for Mini-Games
Beating any opponent using any character in Hard Mode
Very Hard Mode for all different Training
Beating any opponent using any character in the respective Hard
Mode version.
Very Hard Mode for Arcade
Complete arcade mode with any character on Hard Mode
Unlocking Player Outfits for Arcade mode
Simply defeat the arcade mode with the player whom you want to
unlock his/her outfit for
Outfit #5 for any player
Complete arcade mode with that character to unlock his 5th outfit
Pro Tour Shop Unlockables
The player has to do the below-mentioned in order to buy the
unlockable rackets in the shop menu, for 18,000 pts each.
Pac-Man Tennis Racket (#21)
Complete 1 whole year of Pro Tour Mode with 2 Grand Slam Titles
won (Lyon and Austrailian Open), with Hard Mode of Pac-Man Tennis
Galaga Tennis Racket (#22)
Compete and win the US National Open Grand Slam on the second
year running, with Hard Mode of Galaga Tennis unlocked
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