Unlockable Weapon
Complete the following.
Unlockable: How to Unlock:
Unlimited Rifle Get UFO Ending
Unlockable Costumes
Complete the following.
Unlockable: How to Unlock:
Savior Finish the game once
Butcher Get the Bad ending
Ambassador Get the UFO ending
Stalker Use flashlight for less then 3 hours
Collector Collect more then 300 items
Sprinter Finish game in under 2 hours
Sharpshooter Kill 75%+ of all enemies with a firearm
Weaponsmith Kill 75%+ of all enemies with melee weapons
Brawler Kill 50%+ of all enemies with only your fists
Cartographer Looked at map less then 25 times
Explorer Distanced ran or walked greater then 22.5 km
Daredevil Finish the game without saving
Fireman Save Alessa in the beginning in less then 80 seconds
Codebreaker Do the Konami Code during your second playthough or up
Unlockable Endings
Complete the following.
Unlockable: How to Unlock:
UFO Ending Use Room 502 Key at the Motel Room
Bad Ending Kill 200 enemies for second time
Good Ending Beat the game for first time
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