Enter these codes at the pause menu during a mission. They can only be used after beating the mission 'Finale:Ephemera' and only one code can be used once per mission.
Cheat code
Invincibility Mode: Makes you and all NPCs invulnerable to any type of damage besides stealth kills which now only do 50% damage.
Right, Right, Down, Up, Up
One Hit Kill Mode: Makes you and all NPCs die in one attack. Item damage and most projectiles do not count.
Up, Up, Down, Right, Up
Restore Health: Restores all your HP but only once.
Up, Right, Right, Down, Left
Unlimited Items: Down, Left, Right, Up, Down
Alternate Inventories
At the inventory screen prior to beginning a mission, press the d-pad five times in one direction to access these alternate inventories. NOTE: You must have beaten the Finale: Ephemera mission first. This works on both EU and JP versions of Shinobido: Homura.
Down 5 times
Black Ninja Flame (1), Explosive Sushi +300 (5), Powerful Land Mine (5), Cicada Shell (1)
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