Chalice of power:
Press Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right during game
play as Ratchet, Qwark, Gadgetbots, and Clank in any planet to restore
your health. Note: The code only works once per visit to a location.
Zoni skin:
Pause game play, then press Left, Left, Right, Down, Up, Up, X.
"Size Matters" Ratchet Skins
First, go to the "Special" menu with any character. Then choose
"Check Size Matters Save". If the game detects a Size Matters save on
your memory stick, several free skins will be unlocked, and are
accessible via the "Skins" menu. They will cost you no Titanium Bolts.
Use Skill Points to get these cheats.
Big Headed Clank: 4 Skill Points
Big Headed Enemies: 20 Skill Points
Big Headed Ratchet: 8 Skill Points
Bolt Confusion: 32 Skill Points
Expat Exchange: 28 Skill Points
Hardcore Mode: 65 Skill Points
Kapow: 50 Skill Points
Mirrored Levels: 12 Skill Points
Old Timey: 26 Skill Points
Pumpkin Heads: 40 Skill Points
Ratchet Pack: 65 Skill Points
Snowman Heads: 45 Skill Points
Super Bloom: 24 Skill Points
Weapon Switching: 16 Skill Points
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