
Prinny 2: Dawn of Operation Panties, Dood!

Start with Asagi Wars
While normally it may be impossible to unlock Asagi Wars from the start, a recent DLC (Download Content) makes it possible! While over new game, press Triangle, Square, Circle, Triangle, Square, Circle, X to activate the Premium Ticket DLC and begin the game as Prinny Asagi for her story line! (You'll know this cheat worked when you hear Asagi say, "Summer Greetings, dood!" and you see different difficulty setting (% instead of chances)). Have fun, dood!
Unlock Asagi Wars
Triangle, Square, Circle, Triangle, Square, Circle, X over New Game.
How to Unlock Secret Prinny's
Here's way to unlocking it: Play the stage in the description, after finishing stages, go to balcony and beat the bosses in balcony (Laharl & Asagi). Finally, if you beat them, the facility becomes active. NOTE: You can unlocking them once per game, if you finished the game, after Credits, select 2nd Option, then save the Clear data. (You can unlock one prinny again once time)
Prinny Asagi
Load the Clear Data, then Play stage: 4, 2, 3. Then go to Balcony for battle
Prinny Laharl
Start new game, then Play Stage: 3, 1, 5. Then go to Balcony for battle

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