
Field Commander

     Rarely  do  game  tutorials help you as much as the ones in Field
Commander.  They  are  essential  to  complete  the  game  as  well as
providing  fundamental  knowledge  and  understanding  of  the  game's
workings.  However,  be  forewarned,  as the final tutorial (Air Force
Training)  is extremely difficult. There is no set way to complete it,
short  of  outsmarting the CPU. The best advice is to keep all of your
Anti-Aircraft Cannons alive above all other vehicles and units.

Air Tutorial:
     To  complete the Air Tutorial, try to keep all AA guns alive. Use
helicopters  against  the  general's  air.  Then, use AA if air cannot
reach the generals. Use AA to also kill infantry quickly.

New strategy:
     Save  the  game during game play then open up the menu and select
"Surrender". The general will tell you a new strategy. Then, just load
or restart your game.

Revealing enemy units in stealth mode:
     Take  a  truck  or  scout near a tank or rocket launcher. Move it
around  the screen until you find the unit. Then. take it out with the
tank or rocket launcher.

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