
Fate/Unlimited Codes

Unlocking Zero Lancer
With both Leysritt and Saber Alter unlocked, use any character that you beat arcade mode with before and use a super to KO at least once. Zero Lancer will show up at Stage 6, defeat him to unlock:
Beat any character's arcade mode whos final opponent is Berserker
Saber Alter
With Leysritt unlocked, beat any character's arcade mode whos final opponent is Gilgamesh
Aditional Costumes from the PS2 Port
You can unlock the Saber Lily and Casual Gilgamesh costumes from the PS2 port by clearing the Arcade mode with Saber Alter and Gilgamesh.
Gilgamesh Casual Clothes
Beat the Arcade mode with Gilgamesh after unlocking Zero Lancer. You need to beat Zero Lancer on your run too.
Saber Lily
Beat the Arcade mode with Saber Alter.
Extra UC Material
Caster's Bone Servants
Clear arcade mode twice with Caster.
Clear arcade mode twice with Berserker.
Survival Mode & Endless Survival Mode
Endless Survival Mode
Beat survival mode once (16 wins).
Survival Mode
Beat arcade mode with Bazett, Dark Saber, and Leysritt.
Unlock characters
Leysritt (Alternative way)
Clear Arcade mode 5 times
Saber Alter (Alternative way)
Clear Arcade mode 15 times
BGM Select in VS Mode
BGM Select
Beat each character's EX mission
Extra System Voice
Illyasviel System Voice
Clear Aracade mode with Random Character.
Ultimate difficulty
Get 32 or more wins in endless survival mode.
Unlockable Stages
Beat Arcade with the character to unlock its related stage
Burning City
Beat Arcade with Zero Lancer
Kotomine Church
Beat Arcade with Bazett

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