
Disgaea: Afternoon of Darkness

Etna Mode
     At  the  title  screen,  select  New  Game, and enter [Triangle],
[Square], [Circle], [Triangle], [Square], [Circle], [X].

Unlockable Characters
     To  find  the  characters  listed  below on the left, fulfill the
corresponding requirement.

Adell          In the bottom of the Cave of Ordeal

Astro Carter   In the final stage of the Human World

Baal           In the bottom of Baal Castle after acquiring Priere 
               and Majorly

Marjoly        In the final stage of the Mysterious Seal

Priere         In the final stage of the Alternate Netherworld

Prinny Baal    After defeating Baal

Prinny God     At the bottom of the Prinny Land

Rozalin        After defeating Adell

Zetta          Max out on the Stronger Enemies bill 
               and then head to the final stage of the Stellar Graveyard

Character Classes
     There  are numerous alternate classes that can be unlocked in the
game.  Be  sure  to  play  around  with  your  characters  and various
available classes to unlock others.

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