
Burnout Dominator

Unlockable Cars
     Complete the following events/tasks to unlock the associated car.

Unlockable              How to Unlock
American Classic        Earn a gold medal (10,000 points) 
                        in the Classic Series Glacier Falls Maniac Event
Burnout Classic         Perform a 2X Burnout during the Classic Series Black 
                        Gold Highway Race Event
American Drifter        Drift a Total of 3,000ft during the Factory Series 
                        Glacier Falls Drift Challenge Event
Limited ST              Perform 15 Near Misses during the Factory Series 
                        Glacier Falls Race
Low Rider               Get Gold Medal in the Dominator Challenge 
                        in Classic Series
J Coupe                 Takedown the J Coupe Car Twice during the Factory 
                        Series Tuscan Hills Race Event
Factory Sports          Earn 50,000 Maniac Points in the Factory Series Black 
                        Gold Highway Maniac Mode
Factory GT              Get Gold Medal at the Dominator Challenge 
                        in the Factory Series
Tuned Drifter           Drift over 9000ft in the Drift event 
                        in the Tuned Series
Custom Coupe Ultimate   Perform a 2X Burnout in the Tuned Series Autobahn 
                        Near Miss Challenge
Works M-Type            Earn 50,000 Maniac Points in the Tuned Series 
                        Autobahn Maniac Mode
Tuned Muscle            Takedown the Tuned Muscle Car 3 times during 
                        the Tuned Series Steeltown Works Race Event
Super Coupe             Get a Gold Medal in the Tuned Series Dominator 
Assassin                Earn 150,000 Maniac Points in the Hot Rod Series 
                        Ocean Drive Maniac Mode
Street Dodger           Perform 15 Near Misses in the Hot Rod Series 
                        Autobahn Loop Race Event
Custom Hot Rod          Drift 9,000ft during the Hot Rod Series Spiritual 
                        Gate Maniac Mode Event
Street Rod              Perform a 4X Burnout during the Hot Rod Series 
                        Tuscon View Burnout Challenge
Charger                 Get a Gold Medal in the Hot Rod Series Dominator 
Euro Super              Earn 100,000 Maniac Points in the Super Series 
                        Bushido Valley Maniac Mode

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Страница: Читы на Burnout Dominator для PSP

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