
Bleach: Heat the Soul 5

Unlockable Characters

Unlockable:                   How to Unlock:

Pantera Grimmjow              Beat Story Mode

Adult Nel                     Get 50000 points in Tag Master

Madarame Ikkaku               Defeat Ikkaku/Kempachi on Tag Master Mode

Hollow Ichigo                 Defeat Ichigo and Hollow Ichigo 
                              in Tag Master

Aizen                         Beat Tag Master #18

Bankai Ichigo's Inner Hollow  Beat Tag Master #11

Seele Schneider Ishida        Beat Tag Master #8

Chad w/ Devil's Left Arm      Beat Tag Master #7

Cirruci Thunderwitch          Beat Tag Master#10

Aaroniero and Smart Espada    Beat Tag Master #13

Espada #5                     Beat Tag Master #14

Senna                         Beat Tag Master #16

Diamond Dust Rebeliion Guy    Beat Tag Master #17

Shinji (Mask Form)            Defeat him and Hiyori in Tag Master Mode

Kuchiki Rukia 
(Shinigami form)              Defeat her and Byakuya in Tag Master Mode

Kuchiki Byakuya (Bankai)      Defeat him and Rukia in Tag Master Mode

Unlocking Characters in Single Battle
     Have  a  Bleach:  HTS  4 game save on the memory stick then go to
Appendix and choose Convert

     When  choosing  character  in  Single Battle (at Character/Player
select  screen)  press L or R button to choose from the new characters

     NOTE: Only in Single Battle not in Tag Battle

Stage Unlocks

Unlockable:                   How to Unlock:

Hueco Mundo Desert Stage      5000pts

Las Noches - 
Room of Doors Stage           8000pts

Las Noches - 
Cirucci's Room Stage          12000pts

Las Noches - 
Dordonii's Room Stage         17000pts

Las Noches - 
Aaroniero's Room Stage        22000pts

Las Noches - Outside Stage    25000pts

Las Noches - 
Sousuke Aizen's Room          40000pts

Movies Unlock

Unlockable:                   How to Unlock:

Movie 1                       Obtain 10000 Tag pts with at least 
                              one Human character in the team

Movie 2                       Obtain 10000 Tag pts a second time with 
                              at least one Human character 
                              in a DIFFERENT team

Movie 3                       Obtain 10000 Tag pts with at least 
                              one Hhinigami character in the team

Movie 4                       Obtain 10000 Tag pts a second time with 
                              at least one Shinigami character 
                              in a DIFFERENT team

Movie 5                       Obtain 10000 Tag pts with at least 
                              one Arrancar character in the team

Movie 6                       Obtain 10000 Tag pts a second time with 
                              at least one Arrancar character 
                              in a DIFFERENT team

Movie 7                       Obtain 10000 Tag pts with at least 
                              one Vizard character in the team

Movie 8                       Obtain 10000 Tag pts a second time with 
                              at least one Vizard character 
                              in a DIFFERENT team

Movie 9                       Obtain 25000 Tag pts with a team of one 
                              Shinigami character and one Human character

Movie 10                      Obtain 25000 Tag pts a second time 
                              with a DIFFERENT team of one Shinigami 
                              character and one Human character 

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