
Bleach: Heat The Soul 3

Unlock EX Survival mode:
     Beat at least 10 battles in Survival mode.

Unlock Karakura Heroes match:
     Finish all 20 story missions in the Mission Battle option.

Unlock Bonus characters:

Ulquiorra               Finish the Karakura Heroes match.
Rukia Shinigami         Finish Time Attack mode as Kuchiki Rukia.
Renji Bankai            Finish Story mission 12.
Kyouraku Shunsui        Finish Time Attack mode as Ukitake Jyuushirou.
Kusajishi Yachiru       Finish Time Attack mode as Zaraki Kenpachi.
Kurotsuchi Nemu         Finish Time Attack mode as Kurotsuchi Mayuri.
Komamura Sajin          Finish Time Attack mode as Yamamoto Genryuusai 
Ishida Quincy Final Stage
                        Finish Story mission 6.
Ise Nanao               Finish Time Attack mode as Kyouraku Shunsui.
Hitsugaya Bankai        Finish Story mission 9.
Hisagi Shuuhei          Finish Time Attack mode as Komamura Sajin.
Byakuya Bankai          Finish Story mission 17.

Unlockable bonus partners:

     Play Soul Road as Urahana on hard or normal difficulty

     Play Soul Road as Kenpachi on hard or normal difficulty

     Play Soul Road as Urahana on hard or normal difficulty

     Play  Soul Road as Ishida or Final State Quincy Ishida on hard or
normal difficulty

     Play Soul Road as Gin on hard or normal difficulty

Play Soul Road as Yoruichi on hard or normal difficulty

     Play  Soul  Road  as  Rukia  or Shinigami Rukia on hard or normal

Kojima Mizuiro: 
     Play Soul Road as Ichigo or Bankai Ichigo on hard or normal 

     Play Soul Road as Ichigo or Bankai Ichigo on hard or normal 

     Play Soul Road as Chad on hard or normal difficulty

     Play Soul Road as Chad on hard or normal difficulty

Play Soul Road as Hinamori on hard or normal difficulty

     Play Soul Road as Renji or Bankai Renji on hard or normal 

Iba Tetsuzaemon: 
     Play Soul Road as Rangiku on hard or normal difficulty

     Play Soul Road as Ichigo or Bankai Ichigo on hard or normal 

     Note:  If  you answer to a question correctly, the answer will be
the  name  of the hero that is unlocked. You have to hit the blue spot
with at least 60% Trust so that the question appears.

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