
Ape Escape Academy

Mini-Game Bonuses
Ape Ping-Pong mini-game bonus characters
Successfully complete the Ape Ping-Pong mini-game.
Specter Boxing mini-game bonus characters
Successfully complete the Specter Boxing mini-game.
Specter Boxing survival mode
Successfully complete the Specter Boxing mini-game.
Unlockable Mini-Games
Ape Ping-Pong
Get 40 Specter Emblems.
Jake Attacks
Get 30 Specter Emblems.
Snowkidz Snowboarding
Get 10 Specter Emblems.
Specter Boxing
Get 20 Specter Emblems
Get the Special Games
To get the special games you must get all three Specter Coins behind any of the three panels in Academy mode but you must win that panel to get the coins and you must graduate.
Chef Chimpy
Graduate Jr.3 and win the panels that has the specter coins behind it
Every Monkey's Golf
Graduate Sr.1 and win the panels that has the specter coins behind it
Gran Tourismonkey
Graduate Jr.2 and win the panels that has the specter coins behind it
Monkey Dice
Graduate Jr.1 and win the panels that has the specter coins behind it

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