
WWE SmackDown! vs. RAW 2011

At the Main Menu, select My WWE, then Options, then Cheat Codes:
Cheat code
John Cena's Alternate Attire
Randy Ortons Viper Pack
apexpredator the troops arema
Unlock Cruiseweight, Hardcore, Million Dollar Championship Belts
UnderTaker's Road to WrestleMania
These are the Unlockable characters in Undertakers RTWM
Jake "The Snake" Roberts
Defeat him on Week 9 in Taker's RTWM without taking substantial damage
Jimmy "Superfly" Snuka
Beat Superfly on Week 10 in Taker's RTWM in under 3 minutes.
Masked Kane
Collect all the souls in Taker's RTWM and beat him on Week 11.
Paul Bearer
After defeating Paul Bearer(in 90 sec), Defeat Undertaker at WrestleMania
Unlockable Arenas
To unlock any arena in the game (excluding the Druid, ECW and Breaking point Arenas) all you have to do is win a match at their respective PayPerViews to unlock them
Druid Arena
Complete all 5 RTWMs
ECW Arena
Win the World Heavyweight Title at the Extreme Rules PPV
Unlockable Characters
Brie Bella
Win one Women's Championshipwith any Diva on PPV (1-on-1)
Beat All 5 RTWM
ECW Championship Belt
Win WWE Championship in Main Event at Extreme Rules
Ezekiel Jackson
Win 5 matches on "WWE Superstars" with any superstar (1-on-1 Match only)
Win 1 "SmackDown" match with any Superstar (1-on-1 Match only)
Gail Kim
Win 1 Divas-only match with any Diva
Win 10 "Raw" matches with any Superstar (1-on-1 Match only) (WWE Universe)
Jake "The Snake" Roberts
Defeat him on Week 9 in Taker's RTWM without taking substantial damage
Jimmy "Superfly" Snuka
Beat Superfly on Week 10 in Taker's RTWM in under 3 minutes.
Masked Kane
Collect all the souls in Taker's RTWM and beat him on Week 11.
Mickie James
Win 5 Divas-only matches with any Diva (1-on-1 matches only)
Mike Knox
Win 5 "SmackDown" matches with any superstar (1-on-1 matches only)
Nikki Bella
Win one Women's Championshipwith any Diva on PPV (1-on-1 match)
Paul Bearer
After defeating Paul Bearer(in 90 sec), Defeat Undertaker at WrestleMania
Rob Van Dam
Unlockable after beating Rey Mysterio's RTWM.
Shelton Benjamin
Win 10 "SmackDown" matches with any superstar (1-on-1 matches only)
Stone Cold Steve Austin
Complete all 5 Challenge matches in Christian's RTWM and beat Austin at Wrestlemania.
The Rock
Complete all 5 Challenge matches in the "Vs Undertaker" RTWM and beat The Rock at Wrestlemania.
Vladimir Kozlov
Win 1 "RAW" match with any Superstar (1-on-1 Match only)
William Regal
Win 10 “WWE Superstars” match with any Superstar (1-on-1 match only)
Yoshi Tatsu
Win 5 “Raw” matches with any Superstar (1-on-1 match only)
Zack Ryder
Win 1 “WWE Superstars” match with any Superstar (1-on-1 match only)
ECW Arena
Win World Heavyweight Championship at Extreme Rules
ECW Brand
Win a match at Extreme Rules.
WCW Championship
Win World Heavyweight Championship at Extreme Rules

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