
WWE SmackDown! vs. RAW 2010

Various cheats
Go to Options then go to "Cheat Codes" and input the code.
Cheat code
Unlock all roster
Unlocks Everything
Unlocks THE DIRT SHEET and MR. McMAHON'S OFFICE as playable arenas
The Great One
Unocks The Rock
Complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding ability. To assign them, select "Abilities" then "Create-A-Moveset".
Durability score of 85
Exploder Tunbuckle Attack
Speed score of 75
Fan Favorite
Charisma score of 80
Fired Up
Overall rating of 90
Hardcore Ressurrection
Hardcore score of 90
Kip Up
Technical score of 85
Lock Pick
Submission score of 80
Object Specialist
Hardcore score of 70
Overall rating of 92
Strong Strike
Strike score of 75
Alternate Attire
Complete the indicated task in Road To Wrestlemania mode to unlock the corresponding character's alternate attire.
Chris Jericho
As HBK, in Week 6 make Jericho bleed.
As Edge, in Week 6 win in under three minutes.
As HBK, in Week 8 win the match in under four minutes.
John Cena (Street clothes)
As Brand Warfare in Week 4 put Kane through a table in less than 2:30 as John Cena.
Mickie James
As Mickie James, in Week 6 defeat Michelle McCool in under three minutes.
Miz and Morrison (Street clothes)
As Brand Warfare, in Week 11 win the handicap match as either Triple H or John Cena.
Mr. Kennedy
As Edge, eliminate Mr. Kennedy from the Royal Rumble Match.
Mr. McMahon (suit)
As a Create-A Superstar, in Week 5 spend at least one minute of the match outside the ring.
As Mickie James, in Week 9 choose Kendrick over Natalya. Then at week 10, win the match suffering minimal damage.
Randy Orton
As Randy Orton, at No Way Out, R.K.O. Dusty Rhodes.
Santino Marella (street clothes)
As a Create-A Superstar, in Week 12 make a successful diving attack from the top of the ladder.
Shawn Michaels
As HBK, in Week 4 hit both opponents with Sweet Chin Music.
Shawn Michaels (DX Option 1)
As HBK, in Week 10 accept the Retirement Match, then at Week 11 have your partner be the legal man longer.
Shawn Michaels (DX Option 2)
As HBK, in Week 10 decline the Retirement Match, then at Week 11, execute three Double Team attacks.
The Brian Kendrick
As Mickie James, in Week 9 choose Natalya over Kendrick. Then at week 12, win the match without using a signature move or finisher.
Triple H (DX)
As Brand Warfare, in Week 6 win your match in under three minutes as Triple H.
Vince McMahon (Chicken head)
As a Create-A-Superstar, win the Wrestlemania match.
Backstage Brawl areas
Complete the indicated task in Road To Wrestlemania mode to unlock the corresponding area.
Dirt Sheet
As Brand Warfare, in Week 11 win the handicap match as either Triple H or John Cena.
Interview Room
As Shawn Michaels, complete Road To Wrestlemania mode.
Locker Room
As Edge, at No Way Out, drag Mr. Kennedy on top of the Big Show and count the pinfall.
Vince's Office
As a Create-A-Superstar, in Week 6 win your match.
Bonus Characters
Complete the indicated task in Road To Wrestlemania mode to unlock the corresponding character.
"The Million Dollar Man" Ted DiBiase
As Randy Orton, defeat Ted DiBiase Jr. at Wrestlemania and K.O. "The Million Dollar Man" after the match.
Cowboy Bob Orton
As Randy Orton, in Week 9 do not use any strikes in your match.
Dusty Rhodes
As Randy Orton, defeat Cody Rhodes at Wrestlemania and K.O. Dusty after the match.
Eve Torres
As Mickie James, in Week 2 pin or submit Maryse.
Ezekiel Jackson
As a Create-A-Superstar, in Week 3 throw each opponent out of the ring at least once.
Green and Red Dummies
As Randy Orton, in Week 3 refuse Cody's help then reverse three of Batista's attacks.
As Edge, in Week 2 hit every opponent with a finisher.
The Rock
As Edge, complete Road To Wrestlemania mode.
Trish Stratus
As Mickie James, complete Road To Wrestlemania mode.
Vince McMahon
As Edge, in Week 11 put Triple H through an announcer table.

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Автор: Александр
Игра поинтереснее предыдущей версии. Добавлены новые возможности и новые игроки (The Rock, Каменюка, Триш Стратус). Появились новые приемы и захваты, но в редактор игроков не добавили ни новых причесок, ни новых костюмов. Впрочем, это игры не портит. Кто еще не играл в WWE SmackDown! vs. RAW 2010, советую это сделать - не пожалеете!

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