Enter one of the following passwords at the options menu.
Password: Effect:
WALL-E, Auto, EVE, Security Bot All bonus features
M-O, Auto, Security Bot, EVE All game content
WALL-E, M-O, Auto, M-O Invincibility
WALL-E, EVE, EVE, WALL-E Wall-E with Super Laser Blaster
Auto, M-O, Auto, M-O Make any cube at anytime
Security Bot, WALL-E, M-O, Auto Alternate costumes
Wall-E Enterable Cheats
On the Cheat screen enter these codes to gain new abilities. You
may have to enter them in a specific order, so if one doesn't work
when you enter it try another for that spot.
Password: Effect:
STEALTHARMOR Able to remain undetected
by all enemies
BOTOFWAR Able to destroy/stun all enemies
in range
EXPLOSIVEWORLD All cubes become explosive cubes
RAINBOWLASER Wall-E's laser changes colors while
in use
GLOWINTHEDARK Wall-E will light up dark areas
GOLDENTRACKS Wall-E's tracks will be made of gold
BOTOFMYSTERY Wall-e will wear a pair of ski
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