
SSX Snowboard Supercross

Cheat mode:
     At  the  options  screen,  hold L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 and press Down,
Left,  Up,  Right,  X, Circle, Triangle, Square to unlock all courses,
characters,  boards,  and  costumes. Repeat this code again to disable

Display all course hints before race:
     At  the  options screen, hold L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 and press Circle,
X,  Circle,  X,  Circle,  X, Circle, X to view all course hints before
racing a course. Repeat this code to disable it.

Running man mode:
     Wear  your  board on your back and run the course. At the options
screen,  hold L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 and press Square, Triangle, Circle, X,
Square, Triangle, Circle, X. Repeat this code to disable it.

Max Out Stats:
     Hold  L1  + L2 + R1 + R2 and press X, X, X, X, X, X, X and Square
at the options screen. Repeat this code again to disable it.

Mallora board:
     Hold  L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 and press Circle, Circle, Circle, Circle,
Circle, X, Triangle, Square at the options screen.

Unlock extra stuff:
To unlock...               have to: 
The Mercury City Meltdown course    Get a medal on the Elysium Alps course 
The Mesablanca course               Get a medal on the Mercury City 
                                    Meltdown course 
The Tokyo Megaplex course           Get a medal on the Mesablanca course 
The Aloha Ice Jam course            Get a medal on the Tokyo Megaplex course 
The Pipedream course                Get a medal on the Tokyo Megaplex course 
The Untracked course                Get a medal on the Aloha Ice Jam course & 
                                    the Pipedream course.  
Jurgen                              Get one gold medal in any mode 
JP                                  Get two gold medals in any mode 
Zoe                                 Get three gold medals in any mode 
Hiro                                Get four gold medals in any mode 
The Third costume                   Finish all green circle tricks 
The Fourth costume                  Finish all blue square tricks 
The Third board                     Earn the rookie rank 
The Fourth board                    Earn the sensei rank 
The Fifth board                     Earn the contender rank 
The Sixth board                     Earn the natural rank 
The Seventh board                   Earn the star rank 
The Eighth board                    Earn the veteran rank 
The Ninth board                     Earn the champ rank 
The Tenth board                     Earn the superstar rank 
The Eleventh board                  Earn the master rank 

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