
SpongeBob SquarePants: Creature from the Krusty Krab

Various cheats
     Enter  the  following  codes  in  the  Cheats screen found in the
Secrets menu:

Code:   Effect:
LASER   Different Color Laser in Revenge of the Giant Plankton 
HOVER   Different Hovercar type for Plankton in Hypnotic Highway 
ROCKET  Different Rocket type for Patrick in Hypnotic Highway 
SPONGE  Play as "Punk Spongebob" in the Diesel Dreaming level 
PANTS   Play as "Spongebob Plankton" in the Super-Size Patty level 
SPACE   Use a new ship in the Rocket Rodeo level 
HOTROD  Use a new vehicle in the Diesel Dreaming level 
PIRATE  Unknown (code from THQ ad with 'Best Day Ever' CD) 
ROCFISH 30,000 Z' Coins 
PATRICK Alternate skin for Patrick 
VIGOR   Infinte health on all platform levels 
GASSY   Infinte Fuel on all flying levels 
EMCSQR  Infinte time on all driving levels 
TISSUE  Active Sleepy Seed Detector 
GUDGEON Unlocks all levels in free play mode 
BONES   See a thinner Patrick on the Hypnotic Highway. 
BRAIN   Get into SpongeBobs head in the Hypnotic Highway level. 
FLAMES  New effect for SpongeBobs car in the Diesel Dreaming level. 
INVENT  Plankton wears a new outfit in Super-Sized Patty. 
PILOT   A costume change for SpongeBob in It Came from Bikini Bottom. 
ROBOT   Plankton is a robot in Revenge of the Giant Plankton Monster. 
SPIN    Different color to Patricks attack in Starfish-Man to the Rescue. 
KRABBY  A slimmer SpongeBob appears in Alaskan Belly Trouble. 

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