
Silent Hill: Origins

Tesla Rifle
     How  to  unlock  Tesla  Rifle: Beat game once & save. Reload game
save  &  find  room  key 502. It is north of the hospital, up the long
flight of stair's at the top of them. Play thru the game until you are
at  the  Motel  level.  Use it to open the door & you will get the UFO
ending.  Save  your game & reload it & the Tesla Rifle will be in your

Unlockable      How to Unlock
Tesla Rifle     UFO Ending

Unlockable Accolades
     Listed  below  are  the 14 Accolade costumes you can unlock after
beating  the  game. While some of them give you special weapons, a few
have  different  items  to make the game much more fun and easier next
time  around!  The  Savior's  Moon Gauntlets give your fists much more
power when equppied, the Ambassador's Tesla Rifle is the most powerful
gun  in  the  game  giving  you  rapid laser fire, the Butcher's Great
Cleaver  and  Fireman's Fire Axe are unbreakable melee weapons but the
Great  Cleaver  has  much  more power than the Fire Axe, the Stalker's
Night  Vision  Goggles  gives  you  night  vision,  and the Sprinter's
uniform  itself  gives you no fatigue. If you're going for the Butcher
Accolade  (the  Bad  Ending),  just  remember  to  kill  more than 100
monsters  and  beat  the game normally on your next game. Killing less
than 100 monsters will give you a Good Ending. For the UFO Ending, you
must  have  gotten the 502 room key from up the stairs across from the
hospital's  entrance  on your next game before going to the motel. You
can  even  pick this item up before going to the hospital at the start
of your next game as well. Good luck!


Savior Accolade - Lonely Moon Leather Outfit    
     Beaten the game once (Reward: Moon Gauntlets)

Ambassador Accolade - Starman-style Space Outift        
     Used  the  502  room  key  in Riverside Motel/UFO Ending (Reward:
Tesla Rifle)

Butcher Accolade - Bloody Clothes       
     Killed 100 or more monsters and beaten the game normally (Reward:
Great Cleaver)

Stalker Accolade - Black Ops Outfit     
     Had the flashlight on less than 3 hours (Reward: Night Vision 

Collector Accolade - Collector Outfit   
     Collected more than 300 items

Sprinter Accolade - Cross Training Clothes      
     Beaten the game less than 2 hours (Reward: No fatigue when worn)

Sharpshooter Accolade - Survivalist Clothes     
     Killed 75% or more monsters with firearms

Weaponsmith Accolade - Streetfighter Clothes    
     Killed 75% or more monsters with melee weapons

Brawler Accolade - Mexican Wrestler Outfit      
     Killed 50% or more monsters with your fists

Cartographer Accolade - Cartographer Outfit     
     Looked at map less than 25 times

Explorer Accolade - Explorer Outfit     
     Walked more than 22.5 km

Daredevil Accolade - Dog Fursuit        
     Never saved the game once

Fireman Accolade - Fireman Uniform      
     Saved Alessa from the house in less than 80 seconds (Reward: Fire Axe)

Codebreaker Accolade - Vincent  
     Entered  the  Konami  code  U,U,D,D,L,R,L,R,X,O during anytime on
your next game

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Автор: gunblader
Порт с PSP и этим все сказано. Заниженная сложность, детские загадки, да и разработчик не тот. Если бы не саунд Ямаоки, вообще была бы беда.

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