Earn Possessed Ending
To acquire this ending, you must kill over 100 enemies (displayed
on the Results screen). You must also acquire 1000 points of damage,
so let every monster in the game hit you once. Forgive the person in
the confession box, as well. Since you'll spend much of the game being
a vicious killer, the very fitting Possessed Ending ensues after the
final battle. This cannot be acquired on the first playthrough, and is
best tried at in Normal or Hard Mode, with the Unlimited Submachine
Earn Revenge/UFO Ending
Acquire the Heather Beam. Then, in a replay game, use it on at
least 30 monsters. In Harry's apartment, the ending will occur and the
game will end right there.
Hint: Douglas Wearing Y-Fronts
Beat the game then highlight New Game (Extra) and enter the old
Konami code (press UP, UP, DOWN, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT, LEFT, RIGHT,
CIRCLE, X). Select your difficulties and a sound will verify the code.
Douglas will be sans pants when you see him through the game.
Hint: References To SH2
Using any memory card with a finised/game cleared file from
Silent Hill 2 will cause some retroactive interactivity when Heather
investigates some areas of the game.
Unlock Action Level Extreme
Beat the game on Hard Mode to earn Action Level Extreme 1. The
options go all the way to Extreme X, or 10. The game becomes insanely
difficult as the Extreme levels rise.
Unlock Beam Saber
Defeat more enemies using melee weapons than gun weapons the
first time you play. This can be found in the corridor outside where
Unlock Beginner Difficulty
Dying twice on Normal unlocks Beginner Difficulty which can only
be found on the Extra Option menu.
Unlock Extra Costumes (PAL)
NOTE: Silent Hill 3 has different costume codes, depending on the
region; these codes are for region PAL, which includes the United
Kingdom and Europe)
Finish the game to access the secret costume passcode screen.
Enter the passcodes to unlock a new costume for Heather.
HappyBirthday (Heather Shirt)
I_Love_You (Onsen)
PutHere2FeelJoy (Block Head)
TOUCH_MY_HEART (Don't Touch)
GangsterGirl (God Of Thunder)
LightToFuture (The Light)
ShogyouMujou (Transience)
BlueRobbieWin (Killer Rabbit)
01_03_08_11_12 (Royal Flush)
cockadooodledoo (Golden Rooster)
PrincessHeart (Transform)
Shut_your_mouth (Zipper)
Unlock Extra Options
Press L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 on the options menu.
Unlock Flamethrower
Defeat more enemies by shooting them rather than using melee
weapons the first time you play. You can find this in the normal
version of HELEN'S BAKERY in the mall, where you get the Tongs.
Unlock Heather Beam
Defeat the game on Hard Mode. Then this weapon activates once no
weapons are equipped.
Unlock Life Display Option
Beat the game on Hard Mode. The Life Display appears in the Extra
Options. It shows how much health Heather has left before dying, and
does it more accurately than the normal display bar.
Unlock New Weapons (PAL)
Unlock new weapons by playing through the game and then doing the
following to affect your final score:
Flamethrower - Kill more enemies by shooting with ranged weapons
than by fighting with melee weapons. You can unlock the flamethrower
the sure fire way by clearing the game twice.
Light Saber - Kill more enemies by fighting with melee weapons
than by shooting with ranged weapons.
Silver and Gold Pipe - Throw the normal (steel) pipe into the
sewer and answer the next three questions as, "No", "No", "Yes".
Unlimited Submachinegun - Destroy the last boss in the game with
a melee weapon. Easiest if you use a Gameshark device to set Heather's
life to "never die".
Unlock Sexy Beam
This is basically the Heather Beam with the Transform costume
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Игра - круче не бывает! Страх и ужас преследует игрока в течении всей игры. Сюжет интереснее, чем в Silent Hill 4:The Room, однако, поиграть следует в обе игры. Вставил диск, и все время думаешь - "может, не надо?", а потом от игры, даже если она слишком страшна, не оторваться! Silent Hill 3 - не для слабонервных!
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