
Samurai Western

Play as Cow Girl Anne:
     Successfully complete survival mode two or more times.

Play as Way of the Samurai 1 and 2:
     Successfully  complete  all  levels  (including the extra levels)
under the super hard difficulty setting.

Other bonus characters:
     Find  the  wanted  posters  in the following levels to unlock the
corresponding character.

     Hard level 8 (Saloon): Found over the chandelier

     Hard  level  11 (Cactus Gulch): Get to a position where the train
station is behind you. Look on the terrace of the building to the left
and diagonal from your location.

     Hard extra level 2 (Coal Mine): Above the coal mine entrance.

     Hard  level 9 (Coal mine): From the starting location, search the
building directly in front, and beyond the slippery ground.

     Hard level 12 (Wilderness): Found in the air next to the bridge.

     Hard level 15 (Fort): Search the back of the right side of the fort.

Goldberg (normal)
     Hard  level  16 (Goldberg Residence): Look behind the back stairs
inside Goldberg's room.

Goldberg (battle)
     Easy extra level 1 (Fort): Found diagonally above the statue.

     Hard extra level 4 (Coal Mine): Look behind the bridge.

     Hard  level  7 (Cactus Gulch): Search inside the small room along
the tracks.

     Hard level 14 (Wilderness): Look around the entrance to the level.

     Hard level 2 (Saloon): Search down by the stairs.

     Hard  level  1 (Cactus Gulch): Found above the general store next
to the saloon.

     Hard level 3 (Cactus Gulch): Hidden in the back of the small path
next to the train station,

     Hard  level  6 (Fort): Found in an opening by the entrance to the

     Hard  level  4  (Ghost  Town):  From your starting position, look
behind the road blocking sign in front of you.

Little Baby
     Hard level 5 (Goldberg Residence): Found behind a door.

Faceless (type 2)
     Hard level 13 (Saloon): Look on the pipe next to the stage.

     Hard  extra level 4 (Coal Mine): Go past the bridge and enter the
room with a crane. It is on the wall to the right.

     Hard level 10 (Ghost Town): Found in mid-air in the cemetery.

     Hard  level  9 (Coal Mine): Go past the bridge and look above the
dead end to the right.

     Hard  level  16  (Goldberg Residence): On the first floor, search
the pipe on the back left.

     Normal extra level 5 (Wilderness): Look at the top of the hill.

     Normal level 16 (Wilderness): Look in the dining room, behind the

     Hard level 10 (Ghost Town): Search inside the bathroom. 

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