
Ready 2 Rumble Boxing: Round 2

Champion costumes:
     Beat the game in championship mode to unlock the champion costumes.

Extra characters:
To unlock...     have to: 
Freak E. Deke             Beat the game in arcade mode. 
Michael Jackson           Beat the game in arcade mode twice. 
G.C. Thunder              Beat the game in arcade mode three times. 
Wild "Stubby" Corley      Beat the game in arcade mode four times. 
Shaquille O'Neal          Beat the game in arcade mode five times. 
Freedom Brock             Beat the game in arcade mode six times. 
Rocket Samchay            Beat the game in arcade mode seven times. 
Robox Rese-4              Beat the game in arcade mode eight times. 
Mr. President             Beat the game in arcade mode nine times. 
The First Lady            Beat the game in arcade mode ten times. 

Hidden costumes:
Set the system date to... unlock: 
January 1                    Joey T's New Year's costume. 
March 17                     Referee's St. Patrick's Day costume. 
February 14                  Lulu Valentine's Valentine's Day costume. 
April 23,2001                Mama Tua's Easter costume. 
July 4                       G.C.Thunder's Independence Day costume. 
October 31                   J.R. Flurry's Halloween costume. 
December 25                  Selene Strike's & Rumble Man's Christmas costume.

Fat boxer:
     Press  Right, Right, Up, Down, Right, R1, R1, R2 at the character
selection screen.

Skinny boxer:
     Press  Right,  Right,  Up,  Down,  Right, R1, R2 at the character
selection screen.

Zombie boxer:
     Press  Left,  Up,  Right,  Down,  R1,  R1,  R2  at  the character
selection screen.

Huge gloves:
     Press Left, Right, Up, Down, R1, R2 at the character selection screen.

Unlock characters:
     To  box as Michael Jackson and Freak E Deke go to arcade mode and
on the select character screen push R1 (13 times) R2 then R1(10 times)
then R2 and they are unlocked.

Fat boxer:
     Press  Right, Right, Up, Down, Right, R1, R1, R2 at the character
selection screen.

Skinny boxer:
     Press  Right,  Right,  Up,  Down,  Right, R1, R2 at the character
selection screen.

Zombie boxer:
     Press  Left,  Up,  Right,  Down,  R1,  R1,  R2  at  the character
selection screen.

Huge gloves:
     Press Left, Right, Up, Down, R1, R2 at the character selection screen.

Get All Characters:
     Press  Left,  Left,  Right, R2, Left, Right, Right, R1, R1, R2 at
the character selection screen.

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