Unlock Shawnee: Finish the tour with Sven
Unlock Sven: Finish the tour with Killer
Unlock Afrodite: Finish the tour with Vinny
Unlock Harley: Finish the tour with Afrodite
Unlock Ice Trey: Finish the tour with Shawnee
Unlock Kiku: Finish the tour with Donna
Unlock Luther: Finish the tour with Ice Trey
Unlock Natasha: Finish the tour with Summer
Unlock Tommy: Finish the tour with Kiku
Unlock Vinny: Finish the tour with El Suave
Unlock Bruce's tennis-ball head: Finish the tour with Bruce
Unlock Ice Trey's golf-ball head: Finish the tour with Ice Trey
Unlock Killer's tennis ball head: Finish the tour with Killer
Unlock Luther's tennis-ball head: Finish the tour with Luther
Unlock Shawnee's volleyball head: Finish the tour with Shawnee
Unlock Sven's tennis ball head: Finish the tour with Sven
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