Activate Cheats
This code must be entered before EACH of the codes listed below.
Press Select, then highlight 'Help'. Press L2, L1, L2, Square, Circle,
Square. Then enter one of the codes below.
Big Head Mode
Enter the master code, then enter Start, Square, Circle, Start.
Enter again to turn it off.
Gatling Guns Mode
Enter the master code, then L2, L2, L1 and L3. A sound confirms
correct code entry. Weapons will have unlimited ammo and will fire
without stoppng. Enter the code again to turn it off.
Giant Mode
Enter the master code, then enter R3, Square, Circle, L3. Enter
again to turn it off.
Hard Mode
Enter the master code, then R3, L3, Circle, Square.
Infinite Health
Enter the master code, then enter R3, L3, R3, Circle. Enter again
to turn it off.
Infinite Phase Cloak
Enter the master code, then L1, R3, L2, L3.
Instant Kills
Enter the master code, then enter L3, R3, Circle, Square. You
will now kill enemies with one hit. Enter again to turn it off.
Instantly win level
Enter the master code, then L3, R3, L2, L1.
Mini Mode
Enter the master code, then enter L3, R3, Square, Circle. Enter
again to turn it off.
Enter the master code, then enter L2 four times. You may now
cycle through the different characters on your current level.
Tiny Characters
Enter the master code, then L3, R3, Circle, Square.
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