
NFL Blitz 2002

Cheat Mode
     Press L2, R2, and X (Juke, Turbo, and Hurdle) to change the icons
below  the  helmets on the versus screen. The numbers in the following
list  indicate  the  number of times each button is pressed. After the
icons have been changed, press the D-pad in the indicated direction to
enable the code. The name of the code and a sound will confirm correct
code  entry.  Example, to enter 1-2-3 Left, press L2, R2, R2, X, X, X,

Extra Time After Plays:           0-0-1 Right
No CPU Assistance*:               0-1-2 Down
See More Field*:                  0-2-1 Right
Big Feet:                         0-2-5 Left
Big Shoulders:                    0-2-5 Right
Chimp Mode:                       0-2-5 Up
Classic NFL Blitz Ball:           0-3-0 Left
Chrome Ball:                      0-3-0 Left
Fast Running Speed:               0-3-2 Left
Indians Team:                     0-4-5 Left
Super Blitzing:                   0-5-4 Up
Tourney Mode in Two Team Game:    1-1-1 Down
Super Field Goals:                1-2-3 Left
Clear Weather:                    1-2-3 Right
Cowboys Team:                     1-3-5 Left
No Punting:                       1-4-1 Up
Huge Head for Ball Carrier:       1-4-5 Left
Big Head for Ball Carrier:        2-0-0 Right
Big Head for Team:                2-0-3 Right
No First Downs:                   2-1-0 Up
Allow Stepping Out of Bounds:     2-1-1 Left
More Code Entry Time:             2-1-2 Right
Always QB (Two Humans on Team):   2-2-2 Left
Always Receiver (Two on Team):    2-2-2 Right
Ground Fog:                       2-3-2 Down
Fast Passes:                      2-4-0 Left
Midway Team:                      2-5-3 Right
Rollos Team:                      2-5-4 Up
Bilders Team:                     3-1-0 Up
Smart CPU Teammates:              3-1-4 Down
No Target Receiver Highlight:     3-2-1 Down
Noftle Mode:                      3-2-5 Up
Extra Offense Plays:              3-3-3 Down
Neo Tokyo Team:                   3-4-4 Down
More Fumbles:                     3-4-5 Up
Showtime Mode:                    3-5-1 Right
No Interceptions:                 3-5-5 Up
Crunch Mode Team:                 4-0-3 Right
Power-up Offense:                 4-1-2 Up
Unlimited Turbo:                  4-1-5 Up
Power-up Defense:                 4-2-1 Up
Brew Dawgs Team:                  4-3-2 Down
Gsmers Team:                      5-0-1 Up
Power-up Linemen:                 5-2-1 Up
No Random Fumbles*:               5-2-3 Down
Armageddon Team:                  5-4-3 Right
No Replays:                       5-5-4 Right
Snowy Weather:                    5-5-5 Left
Rainy Weather:                    5-5-5 Right

*Two player agreement required.

Hidden Players
     Enter  one  of  the  following  ID  and  PIN values to unlock the
corresponding player.

ID: BEAR / PIN: 1985
ID: CLOWN / PIN: 1974
ID: COWBOY / PIN: 1996
ID: DEER / PIN: 1997
ID: DOLPHIN / PIN: 1972 
ID: EAGLE / PIN: 1981
ID: FAT / PIN: 1969
ID: HORSE / PIN: 1999
ID: INDIAN / PIN: 1992
ID: LION / PIN: 1963
ID: PINTO / PIN: 1966
ID: PIRATE / PIN: 2001
ID: RAM / PIN: 2000
ID: RAVEN / PIN: 2001
ID: RBL-DBN / PIN: 9669
ID: ROBOTA / PIN: 1974
ID: ROBOTB / PIN: 1970
ID: ROBOTR / PIN: 1974
ID: ROBOTS / PIN: 1970
ID: TIGER / PIN: 1977
ID: VIKING / PIN: 1977

     Play  a game in the season mode and save it. Then, go to the main
menu  and  select "Blitz Theater." Choose the now unlocked "Exhibition
FMV"  and  see  the Midway Team winning a game. Then, the players will
get in line and do the Riverdance.

Screen Advance
     Hold R2 + L2 after a play to display the next screen immediately.

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