
Dragonball Z Budokai 3

Bonus Items:
     To  get Bardock, Babidi's Pot and a Silver Membership Card have a
saved game from Dragon Ball Z: Budokai 2 on your memory card.

Alternate Costumes:
     When choosing a character at the selection screen press Left.

Additional difficulty settings:

To unlock difficulty 'Z'successfully complete Dragon Universe mode 
on Very Hard difficulty.

To unlock difficulty 'Z2' successfully complete Dragon Universe mode 
on difficulty 'Z'.

To unlock difficulty 'Z3' successfully complete Dragon Universe mode 
on difficulty 'Z2'.

To unlock a Trophy successfully complete Dragon Universe mode 
on difficulty 'Z3'. 

Unlock Dragon Arena:
     To unlock Dragon Arena successfully complete Dragon Universe mode
with  all  eleven  characters: Piccolo, Vegeta, Kid Gohan, Teen Gohan,
Gohan, Goku, Broly, Uub, Yamcha, Krillin, Tien.

Finding Dragon Balls:
     The following is a list of how to find the Dragon Balls in Dragon

Two Dragon Balls are in Saiyan Saga (Earth)
     The first ball is by the white plains; around Red Ribbon Army Base.
     The second ball is between the upper two main Islands.

Two Dragon Balls are in Frieza Saga (Namek)
     The third ball is at the upper right island.
     The  fourth ball is on the left Island near map border, southwest
of the upper left Island.

One Dragon Ball is in Cell Games (Earth)
     The fifth ball is found where the compass is on the map in the water.

Two Dragon Ball are in Buu Saga (Earth)
     The sixth ball is by the main Island towards the middle by North City.
     The  seventh  ball  is  at  a little sandbar Island (looks like a
beach) near the Martial Arts tournament.

     In  Kid  Gohan's  story mode, there are four Dragonballs on Earth
and  three Dragonballs on planet Namek. Some Dragonballs may be in the

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