
Dead or Alive 2

Bounce Trick:
     Go  to  the  menu  called  "other".  In  there, the age you enter
determines  how bouncy the girls are - the higher or the more "mature"
your age, the bouncier they get.

See the CG gallery:
     Finish team mode using 5 characters.

Big heads:
     First,  beat  the  game  with any girl. Then at the start screen,
press and hold X, Circle, Square, Triangle, and Up.

Control the Victory Cam:
     To  Control  the camera while your character is doing the victory
pose, press the green triangle button. You can use the the control pad
to move the camera up, down, ect. and use the square button to zoom in
and the circle button to zoom out.

Full option screen:
     Press start during a game and tap x and triangle at the same time.

New Outfit:
     You  have  to  win  in NORMAL level to get the first two outfits.
Then  you must win in HARD level to get the next two outfits. And then
you have to win in VERY HARD level to get the final two outfits.

Unlock Bayman:
     Complete  Story  Mode with every character or Complete Story Mode
using any combination of characters 30 times.

Unlock Tengu:
     Collect  10  stars in Survival Mode or Play as any combination of
characters more than 200 times.

Deluxe Credits:
     Finish the game with every character in Very Hard Mode. This will
allow  you to view the deluxe version of the Credits. t'll contain new
music,  credits  from every Dead or Alive Development team and Website
Banners from fan websites.

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