

Unlockable XCOM Heroes
Go into a soldiers customization menu then the character info menu and enter these names. This works only in Single Player campaign and disables achievements.
Sid Meier
Equipped with plasma weapons and and all Psi abilities
Beaglerush (nickname)
Grenadier equipped with war suit and best weapons
Peter Van Doorn
Ranger equipped with wraith suit and best weapons
Various cheats
To activate the console, you must first add the following as a command line parameter to XCOM 2: -allowconsole Rightclick the XCOM 2 shortcut, select properties and add it at the end of the "Target"-field so that it looks something like this: "C:\Games\XCOM 2\Binaries\Win64\XCom2.exe" -allowconsole If using Steam, rightclick the game in your Library, select Properties and add it under "Set launch options". Open the console in-game using the ~ button (the usual button for console). Note: For the following commands, replace # with a number.
Ability to build all facilities instantly for free, toggle with on/off
Ability to build all facilities, toggle with on/off
Ability to build facilities instantly, toggle with on/off
All facilities free, toggle with on/off
All units invincible
All units invincible with unlimited ammo
Enables the use of commands
giveresource CorpseAdventMEC #
Gives # amount of Advent MEC corpses
giveresource CorpseAdventOfficer #
Gives # amount of Advent Officer corpses
giveresource CorpseAdventShieldbearer #
Gives # amount of Advent Shieldbearer corpses
giveresource CorpseAdventStunLancer #
Gives # amount of Advent Stun Lancer corpses
giveresource CorpseAdventTrooper #
Gives # amount of Advent Trooper corpses
giveresource AlienAlloy #
Gives # amount of Alien Alloys
giveresource CorpseArchon #
Gives # amount of Archon corpses
giveresource CorpseBerserker #
Gives # amount of Berserker corpses
additem heavyplatedarmor #
Gives # amount of E.X.O. Suits
giveresource EleriumCore #
Gives # amount of Elerium Cores
giveresource EleriumDust #
Gives # amount of Elerium Crystals
giveresource CorpseFaceless #
Gives # amount of Faceless corpses
giveresource Intel #
Gives # amount of Intel
giveresource CorpseMuton #
Gives # amount of Muton corpses
additem EpicPCSAgility #
Gives # amount of PCS: Superior Agility
additem EpicPCSConditioning #
Gives # amount of PCS: Superior Conditioning
additem EpicPCSFocus #
Gives # amount of PCS: Superior Focus
additem EpicPCSPerception #
Gives # amount of PCS: Superior Perception
additem EpicPCSSpeed #
Gives # amount of PCS: Superior Speed
giveresource CorpseSectoid #
Gives # amount of Sectoid corpses
additem lightplatedarmor #
Gives # amount of Spider Suits
additem ReloadUpgrade_Sup #
Gives # amount of Superior Auto-Loaders
additem ClipSizeUpgrade_Sup #
Gives # amount of Superior Expanded Magazines
additem FreeFireUpgrade_Sup #
Gives # amount of Superior Hair Triggers
additem CritUpgrade_Sup #
Gives # amount of Superior Laser Sights
additem FreeKillUpgrade_Sup #
Gives # amount of Superior Repeaters
additem AimUpgrade_Sup #
Gives # amount of Superior Scopes
additem MissDamageUpgrade_Sup #
Gives # amount of Superior Stocks
giveresource supplies #
Gives # amount of Supplies
giveresource CorpseViper #
Gives # amount of Viper corpses
additem heavypoweredarmor #
Gives # amount of W.A.R. Suits
additem lightpoweredarmor #
Gives # amount of Wraith Suits
givescientist #
Gives a Scientist with skill level #
giveengineer #
Gives an Engineer with skill level #
GiveTech [techname]
Gives the specified tech, replace [techname] with the tech you want

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