Cheat Codes
While playing, hold [CTRL] + [SHIFT] + [O] + [E] and then press
[H] to activate Developer mode. You can then press any of
the following cheat keys.
8: Add 1000 EXP
6: Give Explosives
5: Give Gas Mask
9: Give Morphine
2: Give Next Handgun
1: Give Next Rifle
G: God Mode
7: Intended Upgrade Attributes
N: Maximum Ammo for Current Weapon
M: Maximum Armor
X: Toggle Fly Mode
V: Toggle Visibility
Cheat Method
Browse to your Velvet Assassin\aio\ folder and open the
difficulty.cfg file using Notepad. You can alter any of the entries in
this file to suit your needs. For example, change:
NPCDamage = 1
NPCDamage = 0
...for Invulnerability. Note that you can also alter other files
in this folder such as weapons.cfg to make further adjustments to your
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