
Syder Arcade

Steam Achievements
Action Hero I
Fire 5000 bullets
Action Hero II
Fire 20000 bullets
Action Hero III
Fire 100000 bullets
Arcade Master
Complete the campaign at arcade difficulty
Bomb the Bass
Kill tons of enemies with your special weapons
Death Dealer I
Kill 500 enemies
Death Dealer II
Kill 1000 enemies
Death Dealer III
Kill 10000 enemies
Diehard I
Survive 5 minutes in survival mode
Diehard II
Survive 10 minutes in survival mode
Diehard III
Survive 15 minutes in survival mode
Dodge This!
Play for an extended period of time without getting hit
Double Facepalm
Die in less than 15 seconds
El Satanico I
Kill 100 enemies in melee combat
El Satanico II
Kill 250 enemies in melee combat
El Satanico III
Kill 500 enemies in melee combat
Die in less than 30 seconds
Complete a campaign level without getting hit or taking damage
Heavy Duty
Complete the campaign with the Mule
Immortal (kind of)
Reach the first place in the survival mode leaderboard
In less than 12 Parsecs
Be one of the top players in the Frozen Canyon leaderboard
Insect Man
Complete the campaign with the Wasp
Mr. Scott I
Absorb 50 bullets with your shields
Mr. Scott II
Absorb 100 bullets with your shields
Mr. Scott III
Absorb 200 bullets with your shields
Complete a campaign level using a retro filter
OmNomNom I
Pick up 50 powerups
OmNomNom II
Pick up 100 powerups
OmNomNom III
Pick up 500 powerups
Panzerotto Prophet
Complete the campaign at “pure” difficulty
Piracy is not a problem
Be one of the top players in the Lighthouse leaderboard
Roasted Abruzzese Skewer
Complete the campaign with the Dart
Space Turtle I
Get hit 10 times without dying
Space Turtle II
Get hit 15 times without dying
Space Turtle III
Get hit 20 times without dying
The Most Powerful Man In The Universe
Be one of the top players in the campaign leaderboard
Complete the campaign at tourist difficulty
Triple Facepalm
Die in less than 5 seconds
You don't have to be pretty to kick some ass
Complete the campaign with the Overseer
Young Gun
Complete the campaign at young gun difficulty

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