
Supreme Commander

Skirmish Mode Cheats
     Make  sure  you have cheating set to 'ON' and then use any of the
following cheat commands while playing:

Cheat code:	        Result:
ALT+[N]	                God Mode (No Damage)
CTRL+ALT+[B]	        10000 Mass/Energy/Storage
ALT+[T]	                Teleport Selected Unit
CTRL+[K]	        Kill Selected Unit
ALT+[F2]	        Spawn Any Unit
CTRL+[N]	        Name Your Unit
CTRL+SHIFT+[C]	        Copy Unit/Structure
CTRL+SHIFT+[V]	        Paste Unit/Structure
ALT+[LEFT CLICK UNIT]	Change to Enemy Perspective

Enable Cheats in Campaign Mode
     Open  the  Game.prefs  file with Notepad. This file is located in
C:\Documents    and   Settings\{username}\Local   Settings\Application
Data\Gas Powered Games\SupremeCommander.

     Add  the  following lines to the beginning of the file (above the
'profile = {'):

debug = {
enable_debug_facilities = true

     You  can  now  use any of the above cheat codes in Campaign Mode.
Note: If it doesn't work, you may have to delete your old savegame and
character,  the  savegames  folder  and  your original game.prefs file
(always make a backup!). Then start the game, create a new profile, DO
NOT PLAY, exit the game and follow the same instructions. You may need
to start a new mission/level for cheats to work.

     Note:  The  enemy  will  also  have access to any cheats that you
enable and will not hesitate to use them against you.

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