
Star Wars: The Force Unleashed 2

Various cheats
Pause the game, go to Options then to Cheat Codes and input the following code(s):
Cheat code
Boba Fett costume
Dark Apprentice costume
Dark Green Lightsaber Crystal (Healing)
Experimental Jedi Armor costume
Force Repulse
General Kota costume
Jump Trooper costume
Lightsaber Throw
Nemoidian costume
Rebel Commando costume
Rebel Trooper costume
Saber Guard costume
Scout Trooper costume
Sith Acolyte costume
Sith Training Droid costume
Stormtrooper costume
Terror Trooper costume
White Lightsaber Crystal (Wisdom)
The Force Unleashed Costumes in The Force Unleashed II
Basically, by having a "Star Wars: The Force Unleashed" save file with both endings unlocked, you gain the Training Gear, Sith Stalker Armor, and Ceremonial Jedi Robes costumes in The Force Unleashed 2
Ceremonial Jedi Robes: Have a Force Unleashed save file with the Light Side ending unlocked
Sith Stalker Armor: Have a Force Unleashed save file with the Dark Side ending unlocked
Sith Training Gear: Have a Force Unleashed save file in your hard drive
Amplified (10)
Kill 10 enemies with the lightning towers.
Arachnophobia (20)
Destroy 200 Terror Spider Droids.
Awww Yeah (30)
Perform every combat move in the game (excluding combos that require Rank 3 Saber).
Break the Bank (10)
Smash up 10 game machines.
Challenger (10)
Complete one challenge and receive at least a Bronze medal.
Champion (30)
Complete the first ten challenges with at least a Gold medal in each.
Competitor (20)
Get a Silver medal on any 5 challenges.
Droid Rage (10)
Control the Terror Walker and destroy all the Terror Biodroids.
Enjoy The Trip See You Next Fall (10)
Cause 50 enemies to fall to their deaths.
Fully Charged (10)
Use an entire bar of Force power on a Lightning attack.
Hat Trick (30)
Get a Gold medal on any 3 challenges.
Holocron Hunter (40)
Find every holocron.
Imperial Painball (10)
Throw 10 enemies into the Kamino generators.
It Burns! (20)
Disintegrate 15 enemies by throwing them into red force fields.
Jedi Bomb Squad (10)
Remove all of the Terror Spider Bombs on the Salvation.
Jedi Grand Master (50)
Complete the game on Unleashed difficulty.
Jedi Knight (50)
Complete the game on Medium difficulty.
Jedi Master (50)
Complete the game on Hard difficulty.
Kamfetti (10)
Kill 5 enemies with the fans on Kamino.
Lucky Streak (20)
Defeat 300 consecutive enemies without dying.
Master of Disaster (10)
Break all of the coolant tanks aboard the Salvation without dying.
Maxed Out (30)
Upgrade all Force Powers to Rank 3.
Padawan (50)
Complete the game on Easy difficulty.
Passive Aggressive (20)
Parry and counter 10 melee attacks.
Pied Piper (20)
Entice 10 Stormtroopers to leap to their deaths with Mind Trick.
Platinum (30)
Get a Platinum medal on any challenge.
Return to Sender (20)
Kill an AT-MP by gripping its own missiles and throwing them back.
Rookie (30)
Complete the first ten challenges with at least a Bronze medal in each.
Shattered (10)
Shatter 10 enemies frozen in carbonite.
Sky Killer (20)
Destroy 15 TIE Fighters.
Specialist (10)
Upgrade one Power to Rank 3.
Stakross Medal of Excellence (10)
Destroy 12 lightning pylons on the Kamino dive.
Stay On Target (10)
Get to the falling Gorog without crashing into any debris.
Strike! (10)
Kill three enemies with a single 'bowling' ball.
To the Face! (20)
Reflect 20 missiles back at AT-MPs.
Top of the World (10)
Reach the top of the Spire without falling once.
Unleashed (10)
Activate Force Fury 10 times.
Up, Up and Away (20)
Overload 20 Jumptrooper jet packs.
Use the Force, Luke (20)
Complete any combat level using only Force Powers.
Valet (10)
Use Vader's TIE Advanced to destroy the AT-MP.
"No match for a good blaster..." (10)
Kill 10 enemies using the turbolasers on the Kamino Drill Grounds.

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Star Wars: The Force Unleashed 2Star Wars: The Force Unleashed 2Star Wars: The Force Unleashed 2Star Wars: The Force Unleashed 2

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