
Space Pirates and Zombies

Cheat Mode
Press alt+F7 anywhere in-game to activate Cheat Mode and open cheats menu.
Steam Achievements
5th Horseman
Destroy 2500 enemy ships
A Small Talent for War
Destroy 100 enemy ships
Big Bada Boom
Destroy a Tier 3 UTA Base
Big Digger
Collect 10,000 Rez
Bigger is Better
Upgrade the Clockwork
Chemistry Set
Reach tech level 10
Destroy 500 enemy ships
Errand Boy
Complete 5 Missions
Collect an Elite Specialist
Explore 50 star systems
Eye Popper
Space 250 Goons
Complete 25 Missions
The clockwork ii
Gold Watch
Retire a Specialist
Good Riddance
Escape the Sol System
Goon Tycoon
Collect 25,000 Goons
Harbor Master
Unlock all ship hulls
Collect a Rare Specialist
Complete the Game on Expert
Labor Acquisition Master
Collect 2,500 Goons
Complete the Game on Insane
Master Blaster
Destroy 25 Starbases
Train a Specialist to Expert
Collect an Uncommon Specialist
Mission Master
Complete 100 Missions
Mr. Fixit
Repair the Clockwork
Mr. Science
Reach tech level 50
Bribe star relations 5 times
Collect a Godlike Specialist
No Pieces Left Over
Unlock all components
Oh the humanity!
Destroy a Tier 3 CIV Base
Explore 150 star systems
Palm Greaser
Bribe past 5 warpgates
Petty Miner
Collect 1,000 Rez
Power Overwhelming
Reach tech level 100
Rez Lord
Collect 100,000 Rez
Explore 10 star systems
Single Minded
Never use Respec
Slave Driver
Collect 250 Goons
Beat a Warpgate 10 levels higher than you
Space Opera
Complete the Game
Tactical Retreat
Mass retreat 5 times
Collect a Common Specialist
Uber Technician
Research a Category to Level 10
War Hero
Clear all zombie infection

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