
SOL: Exodus

Console Command Cheats
Console Command Cheats for SOL: Exodus. Tested on version 1.11.4831. All of these entered during game-play unless otherwise specified. To open console, use the tilde key (~). These may affect the game in other ways, use at your own risk!
Cheat code
500 Missiles
set sol_ship_hades isecondaryammo 500
Higher Max Speed
set sol_ship_hades rbasemaxspeed 4000
Instant Missile Lockon
set sol_ship_hades rsecondarylockonthresh 0.01f
Lots more health
set Sol_ship_hades health 20000
Low/no Mag Cannon Cooldown
set sol_ship_hades rmagblaststrinc 1.0f
No Afterburner depletion
set sol_ship_hades raboverheatincrement 0.0f
No Cannon Cooldown
set sol_ship_hades roverheatincrement 0.0f
Pause game from Console
Unverified: 20 upgrades (done before mission end or at upgrade screen)
set gfxsolpostGame iavailableupgrades 20
Steam Achievements
Bucket Blaster
You destroyed 10 ADP's.
Bucket Blaster Elite
You destroyed 20 ADP's.
Combat Accuracy Medal
You completed a mission with 45% or higher accuracy.
Combat Proficiency Medal
You completed a mission using only guns.
Combat Valor Medal
You completed a mission without docking or ejecting from your fighter.
You hacked an enemy capital ship.
Cyberinsurgent Elite
You hacked 15 enemy capital ships.
You protected a transport vessel.
Defender Elite
You protected 25 transport vessels.
You destroyed an enemy capital ship.
Demolitionist Elite
You destroyed 10 enemy capital ships.
You downed 20 COD fighters.
Gunner Elite
You downed 250 COD fighters.
Neptunian Atmosphere Hero Award
You performed a heroic action during the Neptune atmosphere mission.
Neptunian Atmospheric Campaign Medal
You successfully completed the Neptune atmosphere mission.
Neptunian Atmospheric Elite Service Award
You served at an Elite level during the Neptune atmosphere mission.
Neptunian Atmospheric Service Award
You served at a Veteran's level during the Neptune atmosphere mission.
Neptunian Orbital Campaign Medal
You successfully completed the Neptune orbital mission.
Neptunian Orbital Elite Service Award
You served at an Elite level during the Neptune orbital mission.
Neptunian Orbital Hero Award
You performed a heroic action during the Neptune orbital mission.
Neptunian Orbital Service Award
You served at a Veteran's level during the Neptune orbital mission.
Plutonian Campaign Medal
You successfully completed the Pluto mission.
Plutonian Elite Service Award
You served at an Elite level during the Pluto mission.
Plutonian Hero Award
You performed a heroic action during the Pluto mission.
Plutonian Service Award
You served at a Veteran's level during the Pluto mission.
Saturnian Campaign Medal
You successfully completed the Saturn mission.
Saturnian Elite Service Award
You served at an Elite level during the Saturn mission.
Saturnian Hero Award
You performed a heroic action during the Saturn mission.
Saturnian Service Award
You served at a Veteran's level during the Saturn mission.
You took out an enemy missile.
Sniper Elite
You took out 50 enemy missiles.
Titanic Campaign Medal
You successfully completed the Titan mission.
Titanic Elite Service Award
You served at an Elite level during the Titan mission.
Titanic Hero Award
You performed a heroic action during the Titan mission.
Titanic Service Award
You served at a Veteran's level during the Titan mission.
Tritonian Campaign Medal
You successfully completed the Triton mission.
Tritonian Elite Service Award
You served at an Elite level during the Triton mission.
Tritonian Hero Award
You performed a heroic action during the Triton mission.
Tritonian Service Award
You served at a Veteran's level during the Triton mission.
UCS-1 Elite Service Award
You served at an Elite level during the UCS-1 mission.
UCS-1 Hero Award
You performed a heroic action during the UCS-1 mission.
UCS-1 Memorial Campaign Medal
You survived the UCS-1 mission.
UCS-1 Service Award
You served at a Veteran's level during the UCS-1 mission.
Uranian Campaign Medal
You successfully completed the Uranus mission.
Uranian Elite Service Award
You served at an Elite level during the Uranus mission.
Uranian Hero Award
You performed a heroic action during the Uranus mission.
Uranian Service Award
You served at a Veteran's level during the Uranus mission.
Veteran Bucket Blaster
You destroyed 15 ADP's.
Veteran Cyberinsurgent
You hacked 10 enemy capital ships.
Veteran Defender
You protected 10 transport vessels.
Veteran Demolitionist
You destroyed 5 enemy capital ships.
Veteran Gunner
You downed 100 COD fighters.
Veteran Sniper
You took out 25 enemy missiles.

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