
Sniper Elite: Nazi Zombie Army

+5 trainer (for v1.05 by HoG)
+5 trainer (for v1.2 by HoG)
+5 trainer (for v1.0 by HoG)
Steam Achievements
Kill any 100 enemy with the shotgun
Bottles of Blood
Find and shoot all the bottles of blood
Don't mention the Z word!
Successfully complete Chapter 1 with 4 players
Explosive Personality!
Kill a suicide grunt by hitting his grenade
Good, bad, I'm the guy with the gun.
Kill 20 Elites in co-op
Pick up a shotgun
I have given them the last Reichs.
Get at least 10 for 1 explosive kill in 4 player co-op
I ran it under a cold tap.
Get at least 20 for 1 explosive kill in 4 player co-op
I will not negotiate with the Undead
Kill 5000 enemies
I.m coming to get you Barbara!
Kill 1000 enemies
Like a drunk who's lost a bet.
Kill 20 enemies as they revive
Nazi Army Gold
Collect all Gold Bars
No more room in hell
Successfully complete Chapter 5 with 4 players
Play it Thule
Successfully complete Chapter 3 with 4 players
Resurrect this!
Kill the Occult General
Resurrection Day
Successfully complete Chapter 2 with 4 players
Successfully complete All Chapters 4 players on Elite Difficulty
Soul survivor
Kick 50 enemies down in co-op
The pen is mightier than the sidearm
Successfully complete Chapter 4 with 4 players
The Preacher says BOOM!
Pick up the Preacher
They're all messed up
Get at least 15 for 1 explosive kill in 4 player co-op
We got this by the ass!
Kill 500 enemy grunts
You got rid of those stiffs yet?
Kill 100 skeletons with explosives
Your blood pressure is zero over zero.
Kill 20 Snipers in co-op got red on you
Kill 2000 enemy grunts in co-op

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Автор: A4jeck
Игра хорошая, но сюжет как-то не очень. Да и вообще - мясо тупо прет на тебя. А если говорить о плюсах Sniper Elite: Nazi Zombie Army, то можно сказать, что графика игры хорошая, да и спецэффекты неплохие, большой выбор оружия. Ставлю оценку 4!

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Как убить оккультного генерала? (1)
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