
Small Soldiers: Squad Commander


Main Screen

ctrl-shift-q-w, release w will display DirectLoad Dialog
ctrl-shift-q-v, release v will enable all videos for playback

Game Cheats

Play              Will play that audio file if available
Team +/-X               Will add or subtract X from the total number
                        available in play
Side <1 | 2>            Set your team side.  1 - Gorgonites, 2 - Commandos
easy <1 | 0>            Sets if you will play the easy level next
vasquez                 Creates vasquez
toys +/-X               Will add or Subtract X from the toybox
McLeod <1 | 0>          Turns on or off invincibility
Dead X                  Sets the length of the time the dead stay around
Win                     Wins the level
Lose                    Loses the level
core                    Shows the team
pets                    Shows the pets
raggs                   Shows the popup dialog with these same cheats
draw                    Shows the drawing rects
dfps <1 | 0>            not really frames per second but...
sram <1 | 0>            Sets the back buffer to system ram
dram                    Tells you where the back buffer is
time <0 to 6>           Sets the time for UI changes
grid <1 | 0>            Shows the base level grid system
clear                   uncovers terrain
kill                    kills everything in the selection set
snipe                   kills the first item in the selection set
health +/- X            Heals/hurts x points to the characters
                        in the selection set
HPPR X                  Sets the units heath to a % of their max health
transport X Y rel       if rel is 1 - then x and y moves relative to it's
                        current X, Y coordinate
                        if rel is 0 - Then x and y is relative to the games
                        upper left.

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