
Serious Sam (demo)

     At  the  Main  Demo  Screen  (where you can select Single Player,
Demo,  etc.) Hit the Tilde Key to bring up the console. Type in one of
the following:

     To see a list of variables that can be changed, type in the following:

     To change the damage done by enemies, do the following:
gam_afDamageStrength[level]=(Damage value) 

0 = Easy 
1 = Normal 
2 = Hard 
3 = Serious 

Damage Value 
0.0 = no damage 
1.0 = normal damage 
2.0 = 2 times damage 


Makes it so that in the Easy level, no damage is done to you.

     To increase the amount of ammo, type in the following:
gam_afAmmoQuantity[Level]=[Ammo Quantity] 


0 = Easy 
1 = Normal 
2 = Hard 
3 = Serious 

Ammo Value 
0.0 = no ammo 
1.0 = normal ammo 
2.0 = 2 times ammo 

Puts lots of ammo out there... 

     To change the enemy movement speed, type in the following:
gam_afEnemyMovementSpeed[level] = Speed 


0 = Easy 
1 = Normal 
2 = Hard 
3 = Serious 

Enemy Speed Value 
0.0 = They don't move 
1.0 = Normal Speed 
2.0 = Way Fast 


     Makes the enemy run to you really fast on the easy level.
gam_afEnemyAttackSpeed[level] = Speed 


0 = Easy 
1 = Normal 
2 = Hard 
3 = Serious 

Damage Value 
0.0 = They don't move 
1.0 = Normal Speed 
2.0 = Way Fast 


Makes it so that on the easy level, enemies attack you really fast. 

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