
Scribblenauts Unlimited

Edgar and Julie, the parents, as avatars.
Get all 106 Starites
Get all 106 Starites
Steam Achievements
Brotherly Love
Help all 40 of Maxwell's brothers
Bubbles' Magical Aquatic Adventure
Bring 40 Starites to Lily
Buzzing to the Stars
Bring 50 Starites to Lily
Cars, Trains, and Planes
Get all object Shards in the Vehicle category
Chillin' with Chilly
Bring 24 Starites to Lily
Fashion Statement
Get all object Shards in the Clothes category
Food Fight
Get all object Shards in the Food category
Fun with Weapons
Get all object Shards in the Weapon category
Helping Hand
Get all the Starites in any level
Jamming Out
Get all object Shards in the Music category
Living Large
Get all object Shards in the Living category
Magical Globe for Rent
Bring 3 Starites to Lily and unlock the world map
Make it Yours
Make a new object using the Object Editor
Maxwell in Disguise
Change your Avatar
Notepad Explorer
Get all 217 object Shards
Patches and his Kite
Bring 8 Starites to Lily
Playing with Gadgets
Get all object Shards in the Tech category
Rex the Dinosaur Hunter
Bring 12 Starites to Lily
Sister Savior
Bring 60 Starites to Lily
Starite Get!
Get all 106 Starites
The Kitchen Sink
Get all object Shards in the Misc category
Tony and the Outlaw
Bring 30 Starites to Lily
Try This Instead
Create an object using the Object Suggestor
Window Shopping
Download a custom object from another player
Yarrr, matey!
Bring 16 Starites to Lily

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