
Sang-Froid: Tales of Werewolves

Steam Achievements
Alexis Trotteur
Save Ad.le or the Hermit before half the timer runs out.
Give the killing blow to a Grand Werewolf with a holy bullet.
And It Starts!
Complete the first tutorial (1/3).
Intimidate a Windigo for at least 5 seconds.
Breaking the Bank
Save up 15 dollars.
Built to Last
Survive a night with at least 3 buildings still full health.
Can't Touch This!
Survive a night with at least 4 buildings still full health.
Cold Blooded
Intimidate the Invisible Beast for at least 5 seconds.
Food Poisoning
Inflict damage to 6 enemies with a single Poisonous Bait.
Inflict damage to 7 enemies with a single Mortar.
Fur Fire!
Inflict damage to an enemy with a Fire Wall.
Hear Something?
Kill a Grand Wolf using only your traps.
I'll Save You!
Save your brother's soul without hurting the host body.
Inflict damage to 3 enemies with a single Ballista.
Innu Wisdom
Kill a Maikan Warrior using only your traps.
Jack Fiddler
Kill a Windigo using only your traps.
Jos Montferrand
Kill a Grand Werewolf using one of your traps.
Jos to the Rescue!
Save Jos.phine with Joseph O'Carroll.
Crush 7 enemies under a single Hanging Net Trap.
Look Out Below!
Inflict damage to 5 enemies with a single Spike Trap.
My Jacky-boy!
Save Jos.phine with Jacques O'Carroll.
Pieces Everywhere
Inflict damage to 8 enemies with a single Explosive Barrel.
Quick Draw
Reload your rifle in less than 3 seconds.
The Duel
Use only silver weapons to kill a Windigo.
The Exorcist
Kill a Will O' the Wisp using only your traps.
The Sniper
Get a head shot from on top of a Watchtower.
The Strategist
Complete the third tutorial (3/3).
The Trapper
Kill a Wolf using only your traps.
Thick Skin
Survive a night without taking any damage (after December 6th).
Ward of Wolvesvale
Survive a night with all 5 buildings still full health.
Werewolf Hunter
Kill a Werewolf using only your traps.
What Magic?
Kill a Maikan Shaman using only your traps.
You Can Do It!
Complete the second tutorial (2/3).

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