
Salvation Prophecy

Steam Achievements
Against All Odds
Destroy the alien mother ship.
Alien Bane
Defend a colony against an alien attack.
Battleship Builder
Construct 5 new battleships as faction commander.
Battleship Destroyer
Deliver the final damage which destroys a battleship.
Bounty: Cranium Eterneon
Complete a bounty mission against the pirate named Cranium Eterneon.
Bounty: Deadman Fallen
Complete a bounty mission against the pirate named Deadman Fallen.
Bounty: Fisheye Grim
Complete a bounty mission against the pirate named Fisheye Grim.
Bounty: Kelmar the Twitch
Complete a bounty mission against the pirate named Kelmar the Twitch.
Bounty: Little Jack
Complete a bounty mission against the pirate named Little Jack.
Bounty: Malice Blackhand
Complete a bounty mission against the pirate named Malice Blackhand.
Bounty: Narcisus Humungous
Complete a bounty mission against the pirate named Narcisus Humungous.
Bounty: Shibby Wag
Complete a bounty mission against the pirate named Shibby Wag.
Bounty: Shred Necrotitis
Complete a bounty mission against the pirate named Shred Necrotitis.
Bounty: The Reaver
Complete a bounty mission against the pirate named The Reaver.
Colony Builder
Colonize 5 planets as faction commander.
Faction Commander
Complete missions to obtain military rank 8, faction commander.
Fall of the Drone Unity
Utterly destroy the Drone Unity faction.
Fall of the Free Nations
Utterly destroy the Free Nations faction.
Fall of the Salvation
Utterly destroy the Salvation faction.
Fall of the Wyr
Utterly destroy the Wyr faction.
Galactic Traveller
Successfully navigate through a wormhole.
Into The Chaos
Successfully navigate through an unstable wormhole.
Jump Speed
Successfully navigate through jump space.
Mech Killer
Deliver the killing blow to a mech.
Path of the Sun
Walk the path of the sun to the alien homeworld.
Path of the Void
Walk the path of the void to the alien homeworld.
Peace Bringer
As faction commander, make peace with another faction.
Planet Tourist
Travel to 10 different planets.
Rank 2
Complete missions to obtain military rank 2.
Rank 3
Complete missions to obtain military rank 3.
Rank 4
Complete missions to obtain military rank 4.
Rank 5
Complete missions to obtain military rank 5.
Rank 6
Complete missions to obtain military rank 6.
Rank 7
Complete missions to obtain military rank 7.
Reputation: Capable
Destroy enough fighter ships to achieve a capable reputation.
Reputation: Colossal
Destroy enough fighter ships to achieve a colossal reputation.
Reputation: Dangerous
Destroy enough fighter ships to achieve a dangerous reputation.
Reputation: Feared
Destroy enough fighter ships to achieve a feared reputation.
Reputation: Infamous
Destroy enough fighter ships to achieve an infamous reputation.
Reputation: Legendary
Destroy enough fighter ships to achieve a legendary reputation.
Reputation: Lethal
Destroy enough fighter ships to achieve a lethal reputation.
Reputation: Recognized
Destroy enough fighter ships to achieve a recognized reputation.
Reputation: Sturdy
Destroy enough fighter ships to achieve a sturdy reputation.
Rune of Celestial Oblivion
Seek out the Rune of Celestial Oblivion.
Rune of Summoning
Seek out the Rune of Summoning.
Rune of the Continuum
Seek out the Rune of the Continuum.
Rune of the Sun
Seek out the Rune of the Sun
Rune of the Void
Seek out the Rune of the Void.
Station Builder
Construct 5 new space stations as faction commander.
Station Destroyer
Deliver the final damage which destroys a space station.
Stim Addict
Consume 100 stims across all your battles.

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