Various cheats
While playing, press [~] (tilde) to bring down the console, then
type any of the following codes:
Code: bestbuy
Units are 10% cheaper.
Code: jericho
Walls will crumble.
Code: add_money #
Add money. # = amount.
Code: add_population Y X
Adds population, where Y is the settlement name and X is the amount.
Code: auto_win attacker/defender
Attacker or defender automatically wins the next auto resolved battle.
Code: create_unit settlement/charactername unit_ID amount exp/armour/weapon
Creates a unit in the selected settlement or characters army with
the stats you input.
Code: give_trait characternname traitname level
Gives the character the trait at the chosen level.
Code: process_cq settlement
Finished the building queue in the settlement.
Code: list_traits
Lists all traits.
Code: move_character Z X,Y
Moves character to location, where Z is character name and X Y
are coordinates.
Code: give_trait_points charactername traitname points
Gives points for the character's trait.
Code: force_diplomacy accept/decline/off
Forces opponent to accept diplomatic proposal.
Code: invulnerable_general charactername
General is invulnerable in combat.
Code: date year
Changes date.
Code: kill_character charactername
Kills selected character.
Code: season summer/winter
changes season.
Code: capture_settlement settlementname
Captures settlement.
Советы наших посетителей (1)
Прислал: RTTW
В файле Рима найдите папку bi, потом зайдите в папку data, и найдите там export_descr_unit. В этом файле характеристики всех юнитов. Найдите юнит, который хотите изменить, в ряду stat_health измените первое число на 5 или число от 1 до 15 - это изменит количество здоровья у юнита
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Жалкая пародия на первую часть, да еще устанавливать поверх первой надо. Слишком слабые и некрасивые юниты. Римляне вообще слабаки никудышные, преобладают варвары, которыми неинтересно играть.
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