Use a text editor to edit the "LiquidGame.ini" file in the "\My
Documents\My Games\Rise of Argonauts\Liquid Game\Config" directory.
Change the value of the "MediumDifficultyDamageModifier" line (or the
line that corresponds to whatever difficulty you are playing unde)
from "1.0" to "0.0".
Modify Aspects:
Use a text editor to edit the "LiquidAspect.ini" file in the "\My
Documents\My Games\Rise of Argonauts\Liquid Game\Config" directory.
Change the Aspect values in the file as desired to change their
Modify Powers:
Use a text editor to edit the "LiquidGodPower.ini" file in the
"\My Documents\My Games\Rise of Argonauts\Liquid Game\Config"
directory. Change the God Power values in the file as desired to
change their effectiveness.
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